Welcome to Term 4

Welcome and overall learning summary
We would like to welcome all the new families who have recently joined and welcome back all our familiar faces. Term Three was full of rich learning opportunities that demonstrated the students’ fabulous hunger for learning. Term Four is underway and as always, it is a delight to see the learners adapting, collaborating, encouraging and supporting their peers seamlessly throughout these experiences. At the beginning of the term, the Level 4 team is incredibly excited for the opportunity for the learners to be away from home at Silverband Lodge for their first school camping experience.
At the end of this school year, your child’s report will go live via Compass on the 18th of December. The reports will be a celebration of their learning and demonstrate the success that they have had in each subject area, as well as how they have achieved their learning goals.
We are looking forward to seeing the learners challenge themselves through their learning this term.
Warm regards from the Year 4 teaching team
Dante Sciessere, Ben Clark, Stacey Cupo, Celeste Bayly, Bee Wong and Yuling Weng
Important dates specific to Level Four
- Start of Term 4 – 7th October
- Colour Fun Run – 18th October
- Year 4 Camp – Monday, 21st of October to Wednesday, 23rd of October
- Assessment and Reporting Curriculum Day (no school) – 4th November
- Melbourne Cup Public Holiday (no school) – 5th November
- Moving Day – 9th December
- 2025 Day – 10th December
- Last Day of Term 4 (1:30pm finish) – 20th December