From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,
We hope that all families were able to take advantage of the extended long weekend and enjoy the beautiful warm weather.
Mini Mission Fete
This Friday 8th November we celebrate our Mini Mission Fete. This is a much loved tradition and our middle and senior students could not be more excited about this event. Our Foundation students are yet to experience the wonder of the Fete. The tradition began over 25 years ago when the then Principal, Mrs Lorriane Francis visited a mission overseas and wanted the students of our school to be actively involved in a project to support those in need. And so began the Mini Mission Fete which has raised on average over $2,000 each year it has run. The money is then allocated to both Catholic Missions and local charities in need. Each year there is a different local charity supported.
The amazing thing about this fundraising event is that the students do it all! They plan, prepare and run the entire event. The event itself runs from approximately 11:30am-1:30pm in the school. Each level has chosen a stall idea. The teachers and students plan the games/ activities and stalls and students bring or make things at home and school to contribute. The students then bring some money and a shopping bag and off they go!
We do ask that you send coins, not notes to school in a small wallet or purse. We do not have the ability to have a float so, coins are required. Please see the Learning Page for more information about the stalls and flyers.
The money is going to support Opening The Doors Foundation and Catholic Missions.
The Opening the Doors Foundation supports educational opportunities for First Nations children and is an important part of our commitment as a Fire Carriers school. Catholic Missions support developing communities all over the world.
Even after numerous fetes, it still amazes me how successful and enjoyable this is.
The Art Show - Thankyou
Thank you again to all those who helped support our art show last week. To all our hardworking, dedicated staff who support our programs both in the classroom and beyond with special mention to Ms Daniela for her coordination of and preparation for the show.
Thank you to Ben Ladner and Bob Stafford for helping to transport the partition boards and the freezer for use on the night. A special mention to the Vernuccio Family, Augustus Gelataria, for the incredibly generous donation of the ice cream.
Help Needed
We are requesting help from a member of the school community to transport the freezer back to West Preston. It would fit in the back of a ute and if possible be available this Thursday or Friday. Please contact the office if you are able to help.
Foundation 2025 - Mini Bernie’s Program
Next Tuesday 12th November, our Foundation 2025 Orientation program will begin. It is the first of three sessions that support the transition of students from kinder to school. We are looking forward to welcoming new students and families to our community.
Year 6 2025 - Bomber Jacket reminder
A friendly reminder order forms and payment for the Year 6 bomber jacket are now overdue. Please return your order form as soon as possible to avoid missing out.
School Advisory Council | Expressions of Interest
Last Thursday night our School Advisory Council met for the final formal meeting of the year. It was the final meeting for our Chair, Ric Miolo who leaves this role as his youngest child finishes his primary schooling this year. We sincerely thank Ric for his contribution to the Council over a number of years and for his constant and positive support of our school. We therefore have a membership vacancy on the SAC. Information about the process is included in this newsletter for those interested in being considered for the role. We require this membership role to be filled by a male to ensure we have balance, as required by our governing documents. Please consider supporting our school in this way and see the information in the below attachment.
Sharing Rome and Assisi
A friendly reminder that I will be hosting a ‘Sharing Rome & Assisi’ afternoon on Monday 18th November at 2:30pm where I will be sharing my photos and experiences and would love you all to come along and join me. If you are interested in coming along, please rsvp by Friday 15th November by emailing the School Office or telephoning 9384 8500.
Something to Think About
As parents we are always trying to support our children’s development and mental health. This podcast, by well-known and highly respected Melbourne Paediatrician , Dr Billy Garvey , is about linking parenting theory and real life. The format is a couple of dads having honest discussions about parenting day to day. They use iconic TV and cinema scenes from the 80's & 90's to give context to Billy's parenting advice.
The podcast,” Pop Culture Parenting “is well worth a listen and is available on streaming services.
Joanne Doherty | Principal