Term 4 in 5/6N!

Welcome to Term 4 in 5/6N! We are off to a great start and are deep into our learning. It is a really exciting time for our students this term. Our grade 5s are transitioning to be leaders of our school, whilst the grade 6s prepare for their exciting journey beginning Secondary School! 


Here is what we have been working on lately:


Mass, Volume and Capacity:

Towards the end of Term 3 we started learning about Mass, Volume and Capacity. In the last week of Term 3, we were focusing on Capacity. We learnt about capacity and how it is about the maximum amount something can hold. We went outside and we were in groups of 5 people. Each group got different jugs with different measurements to experiment with. We estimated the amount of water that would fit inside of the containers. We then used jugs or tea-spoons to fill the containers up to find out the correct capacity of water used.

By Andy, Aarush, Nicolas and Khushman.


Footy day:

Footy day was on the last week of school in Term 3 on a Friday. On footy colours day, students dress up in different footy teams wearing the colours of their team. Some people ordered hotdogs and a juice box. There was a competition for the longest kick and everyone got to have a turn. Then at lunch time we played a footy match and it was Grade 5s v Grade 6s. It was so much fun! To end the day, we had a footy parade and Mrs Sullivan called out the different footy teams and students who supported that team stood up and cheered their team on. It was so nice seeing everyone dress up in their different teams and having lots of fun on the last day of Term 3.

By Olivia, Kosal, Alex and Charlize. 



In Literacy we have been learning about Biographies and how to write them. At school we wrote a biography about Patrick Sammy Mills. We wrote about his journey to becoming a superstar in the NBA. We started the Biography by taking notes on Patty Mills, we learnt about the importance of note taking. After we took the notes we started to write the introduction, then we moved onto the three body paragraphs all with different focuses. Finally we did the conclusion which is basically the rap-up. As we learnt about biographies our writing improved and we learnt how to structure a Biography. After, we typed the biographies on the Chromebook, then we recorded it and posted it on Seesaw for our parents to see.

By Duke, Ashton N, Felix and Ricky.


Resilience Project:

We have been doing our wellbeing lessons with The Resilience Project! We have been learning about thinking before you speak. As a class we discussed what T.H.I.N.K before you speak means. And then we used this abbreviation T.H.I.N.K! 

T stands for is it TRUE? 

H stands for is it HELPFUL?

I stands for am I the best person to say it? 

N stands for is it NECESSARY? 

K stands for is it KIND? 

By the end of the lesson, everyone had learnt the meaning of T.H.I.N.K before you speak. For the activity we had to do two role plays where we use the abbreviation T.H.I.N.K before we speak and another example of not thinking before we speak.  We were in groups of 3 to 4, everyone was given a different scenario to role play, as an example of an everyday life. We enjoyed performing our role plays!

By Angela, Lydia, Patrick and Stephanie.



On the 11th of October, 2 teams of students went to the Knox Basketball Centre to play Basketball. There were 2 teams which were Future Stars and Rookies. In our class Zibo and I were the only ones that went to Hooptime and we each had different experiences.


Ashton: I was in Future Stars and our team was run by Mrs Chan. We started playing around 10:30am and won our first match 26-2 and then went on to win our other 2 matches. My team consisted of 7 players and together we played great games and had a good time. Overall Hooptime was a great success.


Zibo: I was in the Rookie team and it was run by Mrs Sullivan. We played a total of 4 matches. We won three out of four games. The first match we played was the best game we played. I really enjoyed my time there and  we had lots of fun. Overall it was an amazing experience!

By Ashton F and Zibo.

District Athletics:

District Athletics is an event where athletes from different schools compete in track and field events. Each person competed in different events.


Noa: On the 5th of September was District and we competed at Ringwood Athletics track, many people from our school competed. I competed in Discuss and placed fourth and placed third for Triple jump. There were students from grade three to grade six we all cheered each other on.  

Justin: I was doing Discus, Triple Jump and Relay. I came 3rd in relay, 4th in discus and 5th in triple jump. In the triple jump I jumped 7.07 meters and threw 21 meters for discus.

Kristy: In Athletics sport there’s multiple events. Some of the events were relay, sprints, hurdles, discus, long jump, triple jump. 

Jacob: I competed in Relay, Triple Jump and High Jump. In the triple Jump I came 5th and my longest jump was 6.23cm. In the High Jump my highest jump was 115 cm. Now finally, in the relay my team and I came 5th.

By Jacob, Noa, Justin and Kristy.