What's happening in 1/2SM?

We are off to a fantastic start to the Term in 1/2SM! Here are some of the things we are learning.



We have been doing PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning) in our classroom. When we do PBL, we follow the values of respect, responsibility and resilience. Each week we learn something different about how to behave at school.  We practise that behaviour for the week. We get tokens if a teacher sees us doing the focus behaviour. We collect our tokens in pockets in our classroom, and save them up to get rewards. 


This is what our class thinks about PBL:

Lucas: I liked when we were learning about being kind and respectful.

Zahara: I liked learning to line up properly the best because I got so many tokens. I also liked when we got tokens for wearing the correct uniform.

Veronica: I like PBL because it teaches you how to do the right thing, what to do at school, and how to be safe. I like when we earn tokens for doing the right thing at school.

George T: My favourite thing about PBL is that we get tokens for being respectful, kind and lining up. When we get 10 or more tokens we can get a reward. I am saving my tokens to have lunch with my friend.

Amelia: I want to save up to 100 because then if I spend some tokens I will still have a lot.

Kate: I enjoyed sitting next to a friend for a day. That cost 20 tokens.

Melody: I like PBL because we get tokens. My favourite focus was lining up because I got lots of tokens. 

George V: PBL guides us through life in a good way.

Yesha: I like PBL because when we started my manners got better and better.


Here are some photos of PBL in action!

Repectful: using kind actions when we invite others to play
Responsible: wearing the correct uniform
Responsible: active listening
Responsible: counting the tokens at the end of the week
Responsible: walking safely around the school
Respectful: using kind actions to help others when they are hurt
Respectful: using kind words to encourage others to do their best
Respectful: using kind actions by sharing with others
Collecting our tokens in our pockets
Repectful: using kind actions when we invite others to play
Responsible: wearing the correct uniform
Responsible: active listening
Responsible: counting the tokens at the end of the week
Responsible: walking safely around the school
Respectful: using kind actions to help others when they are hurt
Respectful: using kind words to encourage others to do their best
Respectful: using kind actions by sharing with others
Collecting our tokens in our pockets


Narrative writing

In Writing, we have been learning about narratives. Last week we were learning about the features of a narrative (characters, events, settings) and this week we are learning to sequence the events in a narrative using a story map.


Here are some photos of our story maps for the story, The Three Little Sheep:
