Principal Post

Dear Families,

A reminder that this Friday 18th September is a Closure Day for students. The school staff will be exploring the new Victorian Curriculum in English and Mathematics on this day.

SJV Fete

This Saturday the fete will be held by the Parish in the hall and on the top playground. We wish for successful day. Please note the school staff are not necessarily on site and not in charge of your children or this event.

School Review

As everyone is aware St John Vianney's is undertaking a School Review. All MACS schools are reviewed every four years.   On Monday we welcomed MACS appointed an external Reviewer Gavin Healy to St John Vianney's.  Over the last couple of weeks he has been reviewing our school operations, our policies and procedures to ensure that we are compliant with the Victorian Registration and Qualification Authority (VRQA)  and also the Child Safe Standards.

On October 30th and the 1st November, Gavin will return to meet with student, staff,

parent representatives.

Gavin will report back to the  school leadership team and MACS in November as to our strengths and areas for future improvement.  We will keep you informed.


SAC Meeting

Next Tuesday 22nd is the SAC Meeting. During this time will dicuss the review process and progress to date.

SJV Spirit Day - December 5 

On December 5th this year the school will be holding a Talent Show and a Colour Fun Run. This community event -SJV Spirit Day will need our Parents support us to be a success.

Please sign up to help using this link.

Spirit day

You need to have a Working with Children. If you do not have one you can still apply on: https: //

We want as many parents as possible to participate.

SJV Community Carnival-

Save the date 29th March 2025

This event will be our major school fundraiser for 2025.

Next Meeting: Wednesday 23rd October 7pm.  

Online- via a google meet an invite will be sent closer to the event.

In order to make events work we need as many volunteers as possible so we hope to see as may families as possible online.

Hoop Time

Congratulations to the eight students who today represented themselves and our school at the 'Division' stage of the Athletics  Competition.  It is a remarkable achievement to reach this level. All students did extremely well with two students moving through to the Regionals!

For a full report please read the 'Division Athletics' page in this Newsletter. 

Resilience Awards

This week Jacob Begazo won an Empathy Award for being a loyal friend who treats others with respect. Congratulations.

End of Year Testing

Over the next few weeks, our classroom teachers and curriculum leaders will begin to conduct various end of year assessments. These assessments are designed to evaluate students' skills and progress in English & Mathematics.  Testing will take place over the first 5 weeks of Term 4.  Results from these tests will help us tailor our teaching programs and inform the end of year reports. If you have any questions regarding these assessments please email our Learning and Teaching Leader, Rebecca Chan or speak to your child’s class teacher.

SJV House Sports Day

The annual SJV House Sports Day will be held on Friday 15th November at Ross Reserve Athletics track, 9 Memorial Drive, Noble Park (off Corrigan Rd) 

All students will need to be dropped at Ross Reserve Athletics track between 8:30-8:50 on Friday 15th November.  

There will not be any staff onsite at school.  

Before School Care and After School Care will be held from 6:30am -8am, and 3:30pm-6:30pm - but note: parents must still drop off and pick up from school as there will not be a bus to and from Sports Day.

  Since we are using Springvale Little Athletics track, we will use their fantastic athletics facilities. Year 3-6 students will participate in long jump, discus and shot put, as well as sprints on the track and other fun games and activities.  F-2 students will also do sprints and long jump as well as other fun games and activities.


The day will conclude at 3:00pm, all students will need to be collected from Ross Reserve Athletics track and signed out by their parent/guardian.  Parents will need to be at the track before 3pm.


Bike Education

Each Monday and Friday our grade 3/4 are completing an Aus Bike Education program. This includes both a digital component and some hands on bike riding.


 2025 Classes  

We are beginning our processes of planning our classes for 2025. It important if you wish to make a request, please ensure that it is well considered and based on your child’s learning or wellbeing needs.

  • Parent requests need to be placed in writing to the principal, Andrew Mullaly, before the close of business on Friday 1st November.
  • If you have previously made a request, you will need to resubmit your request in writing as circumstances may have changed for your child.
  • As you will understand, ‘parent request’ will be considered however will not be guaranteed. 

In formulating class lists, we endeavor to ensure that each child has at least one friend in their future class.  To assist teachers with this process, students will be asked by their teacher to name a short list of friends. Teachers will endeavor to place each student with at least one friend from their list. They will be more information next week.

Fair for Fairness Day

St Vincent de Paul sent a big thank you to the students at SJV for raising $438.50 last term through Fair for Fairness Day.

The Goodies Stall

We congratulate some of 3/4 students for creating jewellery and collecting cards and stickers to sell to raise money for St Vincent de Paul. The stall will be held on Wednesdays for the next few weeks. Another great Social Justice imitative at SJV.


Gardening Club

Next Monday the Gardening Club will be selling Parsley for $2 for anyone who would like some. The money will go to buying new seeds for our garden beds.



Please see our Important Dates page for all upcoming events and Term 1 2025 testing and starting days.