Student Wellbeing

Research and our own data tells us that when wellbeing is embedded as part of school culture, there are incredible long term results. We continually see the biggest positive impact when the The Resilience Project program becomes embedded. This means cultivating a GEM culture beyond the lessons and embed it throughout the whole school community.
Parents/carers play a crucial role in this for several reasons:
Improve family wellbeing: When families practice GEM and see its positive impact on their own lives, it enhances their buy-in and commitment to the program.
Create consistent language: Hearing the same messages and language at home and at school helps students better understand and apply the information.
Foster positive school-home relationships: It reinforces the idea that we are working together as a team.
There are many ways you can embed GEM at home.
Jenny Willmott
Deputy Principal/ Student Wellbeing Leader