Parents' Association Update

Celebration of the Arts - we need your help
With COTA happening next Thursday (24th October), we are asking all of our families to help turn it into an amazing community event. There are a few ways that we would love your support;
Volunteers needed
We require a large number of parent volunteers to donate their time to help set up on the day or on evening to staff the stalls or cook on the BBQs to ensure no one goes hungry. The phrase 'many hands makes light work' has never been more true and, by signing up, you can ensure that our hard working SKIPPA parents also get a chance to enjoy the evening and see their children perform.
Please click on the click to sign up
SKIPPS Famous Cake stall
- Keep the kids busy over the weekend, searching for and preparing recipes to bake for the Cake Stall for COTA.
- We ask those who are able, to provide some baked goods like slices, biscuits, cupcakes - anything that is easy to hold and eat.
- Drop off your baked goodies in the Pavilion Kitchen either after before and after school Wednesday 23 October and before school Thursday 24 October.
Food options on the night
We have some delicious food on offer next week at COTA, don’t forget your picnic rugs, drink bottles and cash!
Pasta & Sushi Stall
$4.00 a bowl - Sponsored by the Gnoccheria in Middle Park.
- Pasta with Traditional Ragu
- Pasta with Vegetable and Lentil Sauce (vegan)
- Sushi $4 a handroll
- Beef or Vegan Burger $5
- Sausage in bread $3 (vegan option available)