Important Notices

World Teachers Day - This Friday 25th October
Nude Food Day
Next Wednesday 30th of October, the 3/4 Green Team are running a Nude Food Day. We ask that students bring in food free from single use wrappers or plastic! Use beeswax wraps or reusable containers, or even paper bags that can be recycled. The less rubbish the better! Let’s make lunch time more sustainable.
Halloween - a request
As you would know, SKiPPS does not have a school uniform and we really value the way that this approach allows students to demonstrate their individuality and identity whilst at school.
With Halloween taking place next week, we know that some students will want to celebrate by wearing some spooky items to school.
Whilst we are ok with this to an extent, in previous years we have seen some students bringing items such as hockey & 'Scream' masks, fake blood and imitation weapons to school.
This took things too far and meant that younger students were scared by the appearance of other students.
We ask families to ensure that any clothing or items brought to school around halloween are school-appropriate to avoid us having to confiscate unsuitable items and comfort scared students.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Curriculum Day - Monday 4th November
With the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday on Tuesday 5th November, plan your long weekend now, as students will not be required at school on this day.
Team Kids will be available to supervise your child on Monday 4th November if needed. Reserve a spot at
Let us know your plans for 2025
We are well into the process of planning for next year, creating classes, employing staff and setting budgets for a successful 2025.
As our budget is determined by enrolment numbers, it is vital that we get an accurate picture of how many students we will have at SKiPPS at the start of next year.
If your Foundation - Year 5 child is going to be elsewhere next year, we would appreciate you letting us know as soon as possible.
Australian Girls Choir
The Australian Girls Choir will be conducting a Workshop Friday 25th October at 2.30pm, for all girls interesting in participating.
Notices have been sent home and girls interested in participating need to return their signed permission form to their class teacher as soon as possible, so we may cater for numbers.
Urban Adventurers Club