A message from the Principal

Celebration of the Arts is here!

As I write this, we are one day away from my favourite event of the school year at SKiPPS - 'Celebration of the Arts'.



The students have spent this week busily working with Tanya and their class teachers, putting the finishing touches to their theatrical, music and dance performances and it has been wonderful to see the hard work, talent and perseverance on display as these are fine-tuned ready for the stage tomorrow night. 


This year's performance is quite different to previous years with a far greater emphasis on drama and storytelling. As a result, it is really important that the quadrangle area is kept quiet to allow the audience to enjoy their child's performance. To ensure this, we have moved food stalls out into the park, near the Art Show in the pavilion. If you are keen to catch up with friends and have a chat during the event, we ask that you do this out in the park so our performance area is kept quiet to allow the students to shine.


Similarly, Chantel has been working non-stop for the last week to create an art show that showcases the amazing projects that have been worked on in Visual Arts classes for the last term. 


This Art Show is taking over the Parks Victoria pavilion and we ask you to ensure you take the time to go and visit in between the performances on the stage.


It will be an amazing evening and we hope that all of our community can come along - please feel free to bring grandparents, uncles, aunts, neighbours and friends. 


I am astounded that Celebration of the Arts has even happened this year. As you would know, the emergency building works have meant that our Art Room has been out of action and Chantel has had to find a temporary home for her Visual Art lessons upstairs in amongst the Year 1/2 classes. At the same time, Tanya has had to share her space with Team Kids for the last term - something that has provided regular challenges! This has been a far from ideal way to prepare for such a massive event.


Pulling COTA together against this context is the ultimate demonstration of our school value of resilience.


Beyond this specific challenge, I also need to thank and acknowledge Tanya and Chantel for the incredible vision, untold (and unpaid) hours and sheer effort that they have put into the evening - we are so lucky to have such talented staff members willing to go so far above and beyond for our students.


Everything on display tomorrow night is based around the theme of 'Odyssey' - a celebration of mythology from different cultures around the world. I want to thank Bianca Loiacono, amazing SKiPPS parent and artist for her beautiful artwork and poster created especially on this theme for our event.


We ask for your support in helping your child to meet with their teachers 'backstage' at the below times so they can meet with their classmates and get ready to perform. The meeting spot is the portable Year 3/4 classroom - near the front door to the school and next to where the teachers park their cars. After the performance, children in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2, will be brought to the area near the front door of the school for collection by a parent or carer. Teachers will stay with them until they are collected. Older students will be trusted to independently find their adults after they have performed.


I am really proud that COTA is an opportunity for every single child in the school to shine - sharing their artwork and performing alongside their classmates. The night demonstrates our school's commitment to the Arts and the immense learning and magical things that happen when we take risks and engage artistically.


All that remains now is to come along and enjoy the night (and make sure you volunteer on the BBQ and bake some cakes - see later in the newsletter for the final calls for help) and take pride in the learning and achievements of your children. 


We can't wait to share it with you all.



Neil Scott

















Neil Scott
