Student Wellbeing

Leadership Qualities for Students to Cultivate
Over the last few weeks Andrew and myself having been meeting with group of students to discuss and review our student leadership processes and practices.
Questions Discussed:
So what skills does a good, effective leader possess? What do these traits look like among SJV students? What makes a good student leader, and how can student leaders be nurtured and developed?
- Goal oriented
- Positive
- Hardworking
- In service of others
- A good listener
- A good decision-maker
- A good communicator
- Encouraging
- Responsible
What do our Student leaders currently do?
What do you think they should do?
How should we vote for Captains?
Our current student leadership includes Grade 6 Captains, the Better Buddie Program, Church buddies, SRC and the Minnie Vinnies.
The next step is that we create some job descriptions to encure clarity around the roles.
Jenny Willmott
Deputy Principal/ Student Wellbeing Leader