Principal Post

Dear Families,
I hope that all families enjoyed their long weekend. For those celebrating Diwali, we hope it was a special time, full of blessing!
Celebration of the Sacrament of First Eucharist
The school congratulates the students in our school who will make their First Eucharist at one of the Parish Masses over the next two weekends. It is a such a special time for these students and their families. We continue to keep them in our prayers. May they come to know through the Eucharist, Gods unconditional love.
I thank the teachers for preparing the students so well in their classroom lessons.
The Celebration of the Sacrament is conducted by the Parish (not the school) so if you have any queries please ring the Parish office.
Update: Damage to carpets in the Scanlon Building
Over the long weekend we had a Restoration company appointed by MACS continue to work on drying out damaged areas within the Scanlon Building. This will take longer to rectify than we first thought. We are meeting again later today with MACS, our Insurer and our Restoration company to review the state of restoration.
The classrooms affected are Foundation KC,
1-2 DS and 1-2B. It may take a few weeks before all is restored and made safe for all students to return to these classrooms.
We have alternate learning spaces within the school for our students and are currently working out the best setting for the next few weeks.
A containment wall has been constructed to allow the Foundation L and P classes to return to their classrooms as these were not affected. This will take place early next week.
This is a challenging situation but we really appreciate your understanding and support.
Mr Phams Music lessons
The after school music lessons will resume this Friday but will be held in the kitchenette at the west end of the Scanlon beside 1-2M.
Students must be collected from this area by an adult at the conclusion of the lesson. Mr Pham will be in contact with all families.
School Review
Our school review was completed on Wednesday and Friday last week.
Gavin Healy reviewed our School Action Plans, our Review rubrics, policies, datasets, and governance documents. He spoke with over 120 stakeholders. In late November Gavin will present his preliminary report to the School Leadership and MACS representatives. Whilst we await his report, it is clear that the school continues to do well in all areas.
The formal School Review is an important undertaking conducted every four years and will provide a platform for our continuous improvement and future plans here at SJV.
This Friday 8th November we will hold our annual School Disco in the Hall. All students attending will receive a wristband at school to wear on the night. All payments were made through CDF pay- $12.
This includes a glow stick, popcorn and a small drink.
We thank our Parent and Friends for organising this 'Popstar and Rockstar' event.
Please note Ticket sales close today at 4pm.
Please read the flyer on the next page
Today at the Victorian State Track and Field Championships, Caris (Yr 6) won the Gold medal in the 11 year old girls Discus. She threw a personal best of 31.38m! Congratulations Caris - SJV is so proud of this mighty achievement.
SJV House Sports Day
The annual SJV House Sports Day will be held on Friday 15th November at Ross Reserve Athletics track, 9 Memorial Drive, Noble Park (off Corrigan Rd)
All students will need to be dropped at Ross Reserve Athletics track between 8:30-8:50 on Friday 15th November.
There will not be any staff onsite at school.
Before School Care and After School Care will be held from 6:30am -8am, and 3:30pm-6:30pm - but note: parents must still drop off and pick up from school as there will not be a bus to and from Sports Day.
Since we are using Springvale Little Athletics track, we will use their fantastic athletics facilities. Year 3-6 students will participate in long jump, discus and shot put, as well as sprints on the track and other fun games and activities. F-2 students will also do sprints and long jump as well as other fun games and activities.
The day will conclude at 3:00pm, all students will need to be collected from Ross Reserve Athletics track and signed out by their parent/guardian. Parents will need to be at the track before 3pm.
SJV Spirit Day - December 5
Colour Fun Run & Talent Show
On December 5th this year the school will be holding a Talent Show and a Colour Fun Run. This community event -SJV Spirit Day will need our Parents support us to be a success.
Please sign up to help using this link.
Spirit day
You need to have a Working with Children. If you do not have one you can still apply on: https: //
We want as many parents as possible to participate.
SJV Community Carnival-Save the date 29th March 2025
This event will be our major school fundraiser for 2025. We had an excellent turn up on the 23rd October and the committee are feeling very excited about this fabulous community event. If you think you can help in any way please contact:
Next Meeting: Tonight at 7pm
To join the video meeting, click this link:, to join by phone, dial +1 413-398-0467 and enter this PIN: 644 018 616#
Remembrance Day 2025
Our School Captains and Social Justice Captains will be selling badges and bracelets before and after school at the gates until Remembrance day on the 11th of November. (or until sold out). The Appeal continues to support Legacy; our veterans and their families in their time of need. Your donation can help the RSL continue to deliver life-changing support. Prices range from $2 to $50.
2025 Classes
Our Grade structure for 2025 is as follows
Foundation x 3 grades
1-2 x 5 grades
3-4 x 5 grades
5-6 x 5 grades
We have begun our processes of planning for our classes for 2025.
Thank you to those parents who have made a a student placement request. (Requests are now closed). Please note that whilst each one will be considered, we do not guarantee that these will be met.
Placements of students into grades is a complex undertaking where many variables are considered.
We thank you for your support you give teachers as they endeavour to make the best decisions for all students and our school.
Not returning in 2025
We believe we are aware of the few students currently in Year 1-5 who are moving area and will not be attending SJV in 2025. If you have not informed us, please ring and email the school immediately as it effects our planning and enrolment numbers.
Working With Children Check
A reminder to all our parents and grandparents that should you wish to volunteer on excursions, as classroom helpers, at sports events (including our House Sports Day) we must have your current Working With Children Check Card on file. If you have one currently, please bring in or email to the office at
Please note our next School Closure Day is Friday 6th December - planning Day for 2025.
Please see our Important Dates page for all upcoming events and Term 1 2025 testing and starting days.