Students & Learning

1/2 Dinner and Snooze
On Friday the 25th it was the 1/2 Dinner and Snooze! All the students in 1/2 had a yummy dinner of pizza at school and the Grade 2 students stayed the night.
Then we all gathered in Chandler Hall to watch ‘Fantastic Felix’ the magician. It was an amazing show filled with mystifying and hilarious tricks which produced Oohs and Ahhs and lots of giggles from teachers (and staff!).
Full of amazement and wonder, the Grade 1s said goodbye and the Grade 2s went on an exciting night walk around the school with Mr Jackson.
After the night walk, the Grade 2s got ready for bed by brushing their teeth and getting changed into their pajamas! Some students chose to wind down by reading a book, having a quiet chat with a friend or watching some of the movie.
The next morning, everyone got dressed for the day and packed their sleeping items away before enjoying some breakfast together.
It was a fantastic time, check out some pictures below!