Whole School News

Poppy Appeal
The JSC have been coming around to each class, giving students and teachers the opportunity to purchase items, in the lead up to Remembrance Day on Monday 11th November.
You will be able to purchase badges for $2 and $5.
These items can also be purchased at the office and all funds go towards the Poppy Appeal.
Thank you for supporting an important cause.
Junior School Council
Students Of The Week
Congratulations to our fantastic leaders of learning last week!
Term 4 - Week 3
Prep K - Parker W
Prep S - Greta H
1/2P - Liam R
1/2K - Leo P
1/2S - Max E
1/2W - Millie S
2/3W - Felix P
3/4B - Samantha D
3/4R - Lexie R
3/4T - Lauren M
4/5H - Sophie MS
5/6D - Amelia H
5/6C - Zayn K
5/6A - Rosie C
House Cup
Term 4 - Week 3 Winners - Red Waratah!!!!
Red Waratah - 11 Points
Blue Gum - 7 Points
Green Grevillea - 6 Points
Golden Wattle - 3 Points