A note from Mr Jackson

Curriculum Day
Monday 4 November
A reminder that students are not at school on Monday. While students are away on the day, teachers will be focussed on assessment and reporting responsibilities. For those venturing on a break we hope that it is refreshing, joyous and safe. Access to the site will be reduced on the day.
Marvellous Minibeasts Preps’ Incursion
Thursday 7 November
An opportunity has been made available for the Preps to attend an incursion on Thursday next week. It will be a chance to explore the world of small insects and creatures, an area that so many have developed an eagerness to explore.
Year 1 Dinner and Year 2 Snooze a hit!
What a great night students had last Friday with the Year 1 Dinner and Year 2 Snooze. The magic show was a real hit and we are still scratching our heads at the magic! It seems the students were able to change my mind with the many persuasive letters that landed on my desk arguing for a change to my suggested salad and vegetable dinner suggestions! It was good to hear that one of the central arguments was that they ate vegetables all the time at home and a little pizza couldn’t hurt! Thanks volunteers and teachers for threading the festivities together and providing this important step towards an emerging independence.
ICAS Assessment Award Presentation
Friday 1 November
We look forward to celebrating the effort of students who participated in the Mathematics, Writing and Science ICAS Assessments at the assembly today. We celebrated the achievement of those who participated in English earlier.
Concert Highlights Relived
Costello Videos have dropped off the videos for those who have purchased the USB video of our School Concert. They are sure to prove a wonderful highlight for families and we hope they reinforce a wonderful memory of the night. They are available for pickup from the office or you may email the office team and have your copy sent home with your child.