Our Faith - Religious Education

Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish Mass Times
Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish Weekend Mass Times are Saturday 9 am & 6 pm
and Sunday - 8 am, 10 am and 5.30 pm.
REAL TALK - Real Talk's Parent Membership Site.
St Mary's School Community can gain access here https://realtalkparents.com/armidale. Valued at $49 it is FREE this year for staff and families as part of our working relationship with Real Talk. Real Talk Parents Membership Site is a quality resource bank in the area's of eSafety, relationships and sex education.
Real Talk Parent Session
There will be an online RealTalk session for parents on Monday 6 November: 6:00pm – 7:30pm. The topics being covered are -
- Current culture and what’s impacting our kids
- Trends and statistics around young people and tech use
- How to provide a layered approach to safeguard your children on devices
- What’s happening to my child? Let’s talk developmental changes & our kids.
Catholic Missions - Crazy Sock Day & Coin Line
Thank you to our school community for their generous donations towards Catholic Missions. We raised more than $650.00 on crazy sock day and with the coin line. Congratulations to Year 4 for making the longest coin line.
Farewell Fr Roel
On Sunday we said farewell to Fr Roel and thanked him for his contributions to our parish and school community. We wish him all the very best in Tamworth.
All Saints' Day - Wednesday 1st November
All Saints' Day is a solemn holy day of the Catholic Church celebrated on Wednesday 1st November. The day is dedicated to the Saints of the Church, especially those who do not have their own feast day. All students attended Mass on Wednesday to celebrate this occasion in the Church.
Thank you to our school community for their participation at Mass on Wednesday.
All Souls' Day - Thursday 2nd November
All Souls' Day, which is observed on 2nd November, is dedicated to those people who have died.
Upcoming Events
St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal
Our School Community will once again participate in the St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal. We are asking our school community to donate non-perishable food and gift items to our school. A collection date will be provided later in the term.
Class Masses
Families are welcome to join us for our class parish masses on Friday at 9am (Venue - Ursuline Chapel)
- Year 3 - Friday 10th Nov,
- Year 4 - Friday 17th Nov,
- Year 5 - Friday 24th Nov
- Year 6 -Friday 15th December - End of Year Mass, Whole School 9 am
Whole School Mass - Cathedral
Our Whole School Masses this term are scheduled on -
- Friday 8th December Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9 am
- Friday 15th December - End of School Year Mass 9 am
Proposed Family/ Youth Mass for 2023
Save the date for our Family Mass on Sunday 26th November at 5:30 pm.
Examen - Prayer
We continue to pray for Raphael, Evita, Philomena, and their grandfather Peter
For Raphael, Evita, Philomena, and their grandfather Peter: May they find everlasting rest in the company of the angels and saints. We pray to the Lord
For David, Elise, Eamon, and Rueben: Grant them strength and comfort during this most difficult time, and may they feel our community’s outpouring of love and support. We pray to the Lord
For all those affected by this tragedy, especially the community of St Mary’s May the Holy Spirit provide comfort and peace in this time of sorrow and grief. We pray to the Lord
For our community, Strengthen our faith and hope, and guide us to be sources of support and love for one another. We pray to the Lord
Lord, draw near to us in our sadness, help us in our tears and pain to know you standing alongside us and to experience your love and healing. We pray to the Lord.
Diocesan Prayer Card
A Diocesan Prayer has been written and published.