From the Principal

Mrs Belinda Burton 

Week 4 Term 4



Thank you for your support with the unexpected interruption to teaching last Friday with the Hail Storm that flooded the Infants Building. I greatly appreciate the effort families made to keep the Infants children at home with short notice. 



Thank you for your support with Raphael, Evita & Philomena's funeral on Monday. A large number of parents have indicated that their children will not attend school on Monday. This will enable staff to attend the funeral. I would also like to thank O'Connor and the CSO who have offered to assist at school so staff can attend. 


Parents who are taking their children to the funeral will be invited by Father Damien, at the appropriate time, to take their children outside and form a Guard of Honour. Children are asked to wear their St Mary's Summer Uniform. 


The Catholic Funeral Rite

Below are some useful points you can talk to your child about to assist them to be ready if they are attending the funeral on Monday.

  • The funeral is a celebration of Hope & Joy for eternal life.  Death is not the end of our story.  At the moment of death, our soul leaves the body and goes to heaven. The children's spirits are now living with God, safe & sound in heaven.
  • At the funeral, we pray for the souls of the children, we pray for their family and we pray for their friends.
  • The three coffins will be near the Sanctuary in the Cathedral and Fr Roel will sprinkle them with Holy Water - which is a reminder of our Baptism, being children of God. A white Pall will be placed over the coffins, just like our Baptism garments. 
  • There will be the Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, and Words of Remembrance. 
  • The coffins will be sprinkled with Holy Water and Incensed with Frankincense, showing respect and dignity for the children's mortal remains. 
  • Children & parents from St Mary's & St Nicholas School in Tamworth will form a Guard of Honour along the road in Dangar Street outside the Cathedral. (The road will be closed between Tincombe Lane and Barney Street roundabout).  
  • The children's mortal remains will be taken to the Cemetery in the hearse. The grave will be blessed and this will be their place of rest.  
  • We are expecting hundreds of people at the funeral, 25 Priests with Bishop Michael Kennedy celebrating the Rite of  Christian Burial. 
  • Some people may cry, we don't need to worry or be scared if people are sad or if people cry, as our lives have changed and it is ok to be sad. 

Support for the Smith Family

Could I also please remind families to send into school vouchers for David, Elise and the family.  The vouchers are our offer of support at this difficult time. The gift vouchers or cards will enable them to purchase items when they are needed now & into the future. The gift vouchers/cards can include but are not limited to - groceries, meat, fruit & vegetables, bakery, restaurants, café, garden ware, homewares, sports shops, bottle shops, hairdressers, beauty treatment shops, clothing, shoe stores, chemists, petrol stations, bookshops, movie tickets, Woolworths, Coles, Kmart. … Any gift vouchers/cards you can think of for David, Elise, Eamon & Reuben. Please send the vouchers or gift cards to the School Office labelled Smith Family. Thank you. 


Information Evening on Grief

Thank you to Rhonda from Centacare for the Information Session on How to Help Your Child With Grief.


PLEASE SEE THE PRESENTATION ATTACHED information for the evening.



Thank you to the P & F for the many hours spent in organising the Fete. A very big thank you to the 2023 Fete Coordinators Sarah Clarke & David Crosby. Saturday will be a wonderful day with all the fun events organised.  Thank you to the Fete Committee for all your work in organising the Fete.  Thank you also to all families for supporting the Fete Donation days. The Fete is here! (Rain Hail or Shine)

Year 5 Camp Week 5

Next week Year 5 will travel to Coffs Harbour for their three-day camp. Thank you to the parents & teachers who are accompanying the children on the excursion.

We look forward to seeing your photos when you return. 

End of Year Dates

Please make sure you check the Diary Dates page in the newsletter for all of the end-of-year celebrations. 

Whole School Awards Presentation

Stage 3 Operetta

ES1 S1 S2 Christmas Assemblies

Year 6 Dinner

End of year Mass


Congratulations Kavin on your District Award in the Year 6 division of the Newcastle Permanent Primary School Mathematics Competition.


The Director of the competition, Mr Merv Curran, encouraged the three winners to 'Have big dreams, work hard, and know that with your ability there is no limit to what you will be able to do.'  Thousands of students from all over NSW participated in the competition, and what Kavin has accomplished is exceptional. 



 Congratulations Sophie who competed in the 100 metres for the NSW State PSSA Team in Week 3.  Sophie was the  27th fastest 9-year-old in NSW. 

Thank you Mr Anthony Kelly

Anthony came to our Monday morning Assembly to present the school with a copy of the 2024 Guinness World Record Book. Anthony has several of his amazing record-breaking feats in the book. Mrs Cain accepted the book for the Library collection.


Anthony spoke to the children about attending St Mary's when he was in Primary School. He encouraged the children to set themselves goals and work hard and they will achieve them. 

Welcome To Our New Students

Welcome to our new students and their families who have joined St Mary's in the last two weeks: Moti and Tsion Megersa


World Teachers Day - 27th October

World Teachers’ Day is a day set aside to recognise the more than 170,000 primary, secondary and early childhood teachers who work in NSW.  This year, World Teachers' Day was held on Friday 27th October. Happy World Teachers' Day to our amazing staff who every day ensure our children are supported, valued and cared for in their learning journey. 


Thank you to the P & F for providing breakfast for the Staff on Friday. It was very much appreciated by the staff.


Student Absences

Due to Government regulation, notification of your child's absence must be received no later than 7 days after your child's last day of absence. Please notify the school of all student absences. 


Students must attend school regularly so they can achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options. Just one absence per fortnight adds up to 20 missed days per year; this equates to 260 days from Kindergarten to Year 6 or 1.25 school years!