Junior School News

From the Head of Junior School

Over the past fortnight, Mrs Bath has been working with the Junior School students and teachers in a focus on manners. Teaching our students good manners might seem like a quaint, old-fashioned idea; however, the value of instilling proper manners cannot be overstated. The importance of manners is deeper than just saying "please" and "thank you".  They are fundamental in building positive social connections and emotional intelligence. Teaching children good manners from an early age is essential as it sets the foundation for appropriate ways of communicating with each other, positive interactions in their future relationships and general success in life. 


One of the reasons why we choose to focus on manners is because they help children develop respect and empathy towards others. When we say "please" and "thank you," we are expressing our appreciation for the kindness shown towards us and we are reciprocating it. When our children use polite words and gestures, they understand that their actions have an impact on others. At school, we discuss how we feel when we are treated with kindness and respect. We have children reflect on how others will feel when they are treated that way. This teaches children to treat others with kindness and respect, fostering positive relationships and a sense of empathy as they grow. 


Manners are also an important element of effective communication. Children who are polite and respectful while speaking to others are more likely to be heard and understood. Teaching children to take turns when speaking, use appropriate language, and listen attentively are all key elements of good manners that promote effective communication. These skills not only help children in social settings but also set a solid foundation for their academic and professional lives in the future. 


We will continue to discuss and promote manners for the remainder of the term and we would appreciate it if parents could do the same at home. 


Junior School Production

Last week we were treated to a wonderful spectacle of dancing, acting, song, colour and light in the Junior School Production, Aladdin Jr. Thank you to Mrs Butler Rees, Mrs Rice, Mrs Geyer, Mrs Dusseljee and all of the teachers and staff who were involved in preparing for and bringing the Production to fruition. The students involved were certainly tired after a four-show run but I am sure they were equally proud of their achievement in putting on such an incredible show for our School and wider community. 


Mr Donald Thompson

Head of Junior School


Prep 2024 Afternoon Play Transition

This week, 2024 Preparatory students began their transition to Girton Grammar School with an afternoon play. There were many nervous-looking faces at the beginning (including the Preparatory teachers) but by the end of the play there were lots of beautiful smiles to be seen. The students participated in various activities with Mr Robertson and Mrs Beks. They investigated all the interesting things to be found in the Preparatory rooms and familiarised themselves with the playground. A highlight was watching the beginning of new friendships. 

Divisional Cricket

Sandhurst and Goldfields Cricket Blast Carnival

School cricket teams from all around the Bendigo region converged upon the Huntly-Epsom Recreation Reserve for the Sandhurst and Goldfields Cricket Blast Carnival on Tuesday 24 October. Close to 1000 students competed on the day. Girton Grammar's Junior School was represented by three teams, each of which enjoyed some collective and individual success throughout the day. Both boys' teams just narrowly missed the finals of their respective divisions, while the girls' team also had a win and some narrow losses. A highlight of the day was the batting of Harsh Joshi (6 Millward), scoring two half-centuries.


A big thank you to Mr Turner and Ms Sjogren for managing the teams and also to our magnificent Senior School students, Lewis Ritchie (9 Jenkin), Byron Ritchie (9 Jenkin), Noah Willits (9 Jones), Rehmi Burke (8 Jones) and Chloe Tweed (8 Riley), who assisted throughout the day with umpiring, scoring and supporting our students.


Mr John Gibbs


SPARK visit

On Monday, Mrs Buckeridge and her Year 8 SPARK class visited Year 4M and delivered a fun and interactive health lesson to the children. They started by sharing the brochure they had made. The brochure taught the Year 4 students a lot about the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and the Physical Activity Guidelines. They learnt about the five important guidelines to staying healthy, and some were very excited to hear that each day they should be doing 60 minutes of physical activity that makes the heart beat faster. That is a lot of down ball every day!


The Junior School students really enjoy interacting with the older students, especially when it involves fun and interesting activities.


I really enjoyed all of the games the Year 8s taught us. My favourite was crab soccer because it made me move a lot.

Gilbert Pham (4 Aherne)


When we played the games, their rules were clear and we knew what to do. They shared some interesting information with us.

Ryan Guo (4 Riley)


I liked how the games they created were all different so when we swapped groups we weren’t bored.

Marceline Ritchie (4 Frew)


We had lots of fun because the Year 8 students were enthusiastic, organised and inclusive.

Alice Shanley (4 Millward)


Coliban Water visit

On Wednesday 25 November, John McDonald from Coliban Water visited Girton to speak to the Year 2 students about the water cycle and how water travels around our local area. 


The students found this session informative and were able to share their knowledge with Mr McDonald. They are looking forward to their excursion on 6 November to Malmsbury and Lauriston Reservoirs.


Ms Vanessa Juergens



Camp Australia – After-School Care

Hi Families, 


We have had a good few weeks here at OSHC.


Our Lego challenges have been fun, with children working together to build various objects and buildings for our challenges.


The children participated in some fun Minute to Win It games, which involved each child using different skills and strategies (including problem-solving and communication skills) to complete the games. 


Coming up in the next few weeks, we will be doing some science activities, STEM challenges, scavenger hunts and making magical potions. National Recycling Week is coming up from 13 to 17 November, and we have started collecting boxes of all sizes and other recyclable materials. If you have anything that we could use to build and craft with, I would love to collect them.


Bookings are open for Rocketeers!

Please jump online to check out what's happening and book in for some fun.


SunSmart time!

Spring and summer are here, so please pack your child a hat to bring to After-School Care.

I have a collection of spare hats; these are being kept in a labelled and sealed ziplock bags for health and safety. If you can send a spare hat in to be kept at After-School Care, please do. This will enable the children to be able to play outside safely each day.


Have a good week!
