From the Principal

Mrs Belinda Burton 

Week 6 Term 4

Planning for 2024

We are now past halfway through the term! How fast it goes!  Planning for classes and staffing for 2024 has started.  Please let the school know if your child is not returning to St Mary's in 2024 for planning purposes. Some of our classes have a waiting list so it would be helpful if we know our numbers accurately. 

Semester 2 Reports

Teachers are currently working on Semester 2 Reports. The reports will be sent home via Compass in Week 9. Parents will be able to - Log into Compass, to view the Semester 2 report click on  your child's profile and select report.

Remembrance Day

I had the privilege of attending the Remembrance Day service with our Year 6 School Leaders on Saturday. Thank you to our families who support the service. 


On the 11th of the 11th, we pause and reflect on the sacrifice of all the servicemen and women who have fought to protect our freedom. Each year on this day at 11.00 am, Australians observe a minute's silence in memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice for us in times of war and armed conflicts. We pray for the wisdom and strength to enable us to build a world of peace and friendship in their honour.  Lest we forget!


Annual Improvement Plan Review

Last Thursday, the Leadership team went to St Joseph's Uralla to present our Annual Improvement Plan Review.  Along with St Joseph's and St Patrick's Walcha, we presented our reviews to Mr Chris Smyth - Director of the CSO, and other members of the Mission and Learning Team from the Catholic Schools Office. This was a great opportunity to share the wonderful learning and teaching taking place in our school and listen to the other schools' successes in 2023. 

2024 School Leadership Speeches

Our Year 5 students have begun to prepare for the upcoming 2024 School Leadership Speeches next week. 

Thank you to all of our Year 5 students who have nominated themselves to fill these positions if elected. I know all of you will do a fantastic job in 2024! 

Our 2024 School Leaders will be officially announced at the Presentation Assembly, on the Tuesday 5th December 2023. 

Kindergarten 2024 Transition 

Transition concludes next week. On Wednesday 22nd & Thursday 23rd of November, the children and their teachers will hold an assembly to mark this special achievement. 

AP/ LOP Meeting 

Congratulations to our St Mary's Year 6 School Leaders who led the Prayer at the Diocesan gathering of APs /LOPs meeting held in Armidale on Thursday 16th & Friday 17th November. 

Tired & Hot Children

As the daily temperature increases please make sure:

  • the children have their water bottles at school each day
  • the children have their school hat at school each day
  • the children apply sunscreen before they leave home each morning
  • students will be reminded to take off their jumpers when we reach temperatures of 25 degrees or hotter.

Please make sure primary school children are getting between 9-12 hours of sleep each night.


Please remember the impact technology has on your child & sleep.

Technology has become vital in today's world. It helps make jobs easier and more efficient although, there are risks.  Students are immersed in a world of wonder and curiosity, without boundaries and guidelines they may take it upon themselves to be misled by advertisements or images. Exposure to content or extended periods sometimes destabilises their emotions and focus. 

It is important to watch, monitor and regulate students using technology appropriately and effectively. 

Some guidelines could be: 

  • Set a timer for devices 
  • Ensure no devices are used 1 hour before bed (Blue light restriction) 
  • Monitor the content exposed to students 
  • Ensure language is appropriate (doesn't become everyday language) 

End of Year Dates

Please make sure you check the Diary Dates page in the newsletter for all of the end-of-year celebrations. 

P & F Carols & Picnic - 1st December 6pm School Playground

Whole School Awards Presentation - 5th December - 11:30 am

Stage 3 Operetta - 7th December 6:30 pm NECOM

ES1 S1 S2 Christmas Assemblies - 14th December Yr 1 & 2 9:30am, KINDERGARTEN 10:30am, Yr 3 & 4 11:45am School Hall 

Year 6 Dinner - 14th December

End of Year Mass - 15th December 9 am


The last day of school for students this year is Friday 15th December. 


Thank you to the P & F for the many hours spent in organising the Fete. A very big thank you to the 2023 Fete Coordinators Sarah Clarke & David Crosby. The Fete was a wonderful day with a great atmosphere.  Thank you to the Fete Committee for all your work in organising the Fete.  Thank you also to all families for supporting the Fete and running the 23 wonderful stalls. 

Year 5 Camp Week 5

Thank you to the parents & teachers who accompanied the children on the excursion last week. The children had an amazing time and enjoyed all of the activities. some students particularly enjoyed - the Ga Ga  Pit, the Mud Run, the Giant Drop, Archery, the Flying Fox, A minute to win it games, the National Park, 

Welcome To Our New Students

Welcome to our new student, Andrea Chan and her family who have joined St Mary's last week.

Term 4 School Fees

Our Term 4 school fee accounts have been issued and statements delivered.  Fees are generated by the Armidale Catholic Schools Office. Please check your nominated email account to see if you received the invoice. All school fees need to be paid by 24th November. 

2024 School Fees

Recently the Catholic Schools Office sent out a letter to all schools in the Diocese stating that all schools will need to increase their school fees by at least 4%.  Therefore school fees will be increasing by 4% in 2024. This equates to around $ 2.oo per week per child

2023 School Advisory Council AGM Meeting 

Unfortunately, the School Advisory Council Meeting that was to take place on Monday 13th November had to be postponed. We are currently in the process of rescheduling this meeting before the end of this term.

P & F Meeting

Our final P and F Meeting for the year will take place on Wednesday 22nd November.  Staff Room at 5:30 pm. All are welcome to attend.

Return Dates for Term 1 2024

Tuesday  30th January - Staff Development Day

Wednesday 31st January - Staff Development Day

Thursday 1st February - Students in Years 1 - 6 Return to School  Term 1

Thursday 1st February - Tuesday 6th February - Best Start Assessments for Kindergarten students

Wednesday 7th February - Kindergarten students commence