Children's Forum

Last Wednesday, 25th October, the School Leaders went to the Children's forum at the Springvale Town Hall. The Children's Forum was a way for students to communicate with the City of Greater Dandenong Council to express their opinions about the city they live in and how we can improve it.
At the start of the day some people were given special certificates for contributing to the Children's Advisory Council and we met the junior mayor. After the opening ceremony we went to our first activity. Our first activity was a sport-related activity and was called ‘Helping Kids Get Active'. We helped to make sure everyone in our City of Greater Dandenong was well, fit and healthy by creating posters and giving ideas.
The next two workshops were called ‘My Library My Dreamland’ and ‘Kickstart, Transition to Secondary School'. They were both also great and collected our opinions and thoughts as well.
There was a guest speaker, Danya. She talked about how being a leader is a way we can create a better environment and shared her story of becoming a great leader.
Finally we ended the day with a survey and went back to school.
Written by Jessica H.