From the Principal

Once again we have had a busy fortnight at Athol Road Primary School with many of our students participating and achieving success in a variety of programs and events.
I would like to acknowledge and congratulate our four student leaders: Minh H, Jessica H, David H, Jammy L for their attendance and contribution to the Greater Dandenong City Council 2023 Children’s Forum. The students participated in a range of activities which promoted student voice and gave our student leaders an opportunity to provide feedback and offer input into community initiatives, programs, events and facilities. The aim of the forum was to provide a platform for children to engage in a consultative and creative process, to express their opinions about the city they live in and their priorities and ideas for a better community. I am proud to say our four student leaders represented Athol Road PS positively and truly demonstrated our school RICH values: Respect, Innovation, Community and High Expectations. Thank you, Miss Nesbitt and Mrs Harkness for supporting our student leaders and providing them with a positive opportunity for student voice and community participation and engagement.
There have been an increasing number of students arriving at school quite early each morning. Please be advised that staff supervision begins at 8:45am and children are not supervised in the yard before this time. On the flip side, we have a number of students arriving late to school or having increased absences in Term 4. Whilst many absences are due to genuine illness, not all absences are reasonable or necessary. It is also important to note that Term 4 is very busy and certainly not a term where families should be booking holidays and finishing the school term early.
Term 4 is an assessment and reporting term and students with high absences, not only, miss out on all the wonderful programs and events which happen in Term 4 but also miss out on important learning and assessments. Please remember that all absences must be explained and the school office must be informed of family holidays that occur during a school term.
Reminder: we have our Special Melbourne Cup Celebration Day on Monday 6th November. If you are available on the day, please come along and join in the FUN. Please refer to page 4 in the newsletter for more details about the day. This is a great day in our annual calendar enjoyed by all students, staff and parents!
Save the date: school concert this year will be on Friday 1st December. Please look out for a notice going home today via the eldest child with information about the school concert and the process for purchasing tickets. The title this year is DANCE THE NIGHT. If you wish to learn the Finale song 'The Climb' with your children, that would be fantastic! Miss Brewer has provided a link for all families and is strongly encouraging parent participation in the finale song.
Rhiannon Williams, our educational leader in the Kindergarten, is going on maternity leave. As many of you know, Rhiannon is pregnant to her first child. Her last day in the Kindergarten is next week, Friday 10th November. This will give Rhiannon a little bit of time to put her feet up and RELAX before the baby comes along. We wish her the very best and we look forward to meeting her new baby very soon.
What a beautiful gift, just in time for Christmas.
We have FOODBANK food boxes which we regularly give to our families in need. If you do not receive a FOODBANK box and feel you are a family in need of support please contact the office or email the school with your details and we will put you on the list.
Aussie of the Month
Congratulations to our two Aussie of the Month students. Jessicadary in Year 2 and Lychheng in Year 6. Both students were proudly presented with their award at last week’s assembly. Well done, keep up the great work. The ARPS community is very proud of you 😊
IMPORTANT: Parents/carers of Foundation – Year 5 students
If your child will not be returning to Athol Road PS in 2024 it is important you notify the office as soon as possible.
School email or School phone 9547 1224
Carmel Nigro
Acting Principal