Physical Education News

Matthew Davey

What an exciting week of interschool sport we had last week. Wednesday saw the Regional Junior Hoop Time Carnival at the State Basketball Centre and Park Ridge had 2 of our Future Stars teams qualify for the day – the Park Ridge Pirates and the Park Ridge Penguins. Whilst neither of them made finals, it is a credit to the depth of talent of our students to be the only school with 2 teams qualify for the day. I’d like to thank Nathan for coaching and Mel and Cherie for scoring on the day. Of course, the players had an absolute ball playing sport with their friends and handled themselves with fantastic sportsmanship.


Thursday was the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Athletics Championships at Doncaster. We had 5 students represent Park Ridge at the event and all students should be super proud to make it this far in the SSV pathway. Check out the amazing results below:


Tabitha H 1st in Shot put and a new school record of 8.82m and 8th in Discus.

Liah I 3rd in Triple Jump and a new school record of 8.45m, and 6th place in 100m with a new school record of 14.68 seconds.

Jaxon R 4th in High Jump and a new school record of 1.46m 

Ashlyn C 10th in 1500m

Taryn O 12th in Hurdles

Great work everyone and good luck to Tabitha who will become the 4th student to compete at State Athletics in my time at Park Ridge Primary School!


On Friday, our Year 5/6 Girls Hot Shots Tennis team played at the Knox Division Summer Sport Championships after finishing in 2nd place at our District Day. The way Team Tennis works is that each school has a team of 8 players who play a match against the other team’s 8 players. They all then play a doubles match. Your school scores a point for every match won. After winning all of our pool games we met St Simons in the Division final where we put in a fantastic effort, however just falling short, going down 5-7 – a tremendous result considering 5 of our 8 players are Year 5 students. It was a joy to watch the honesty and sportsmanship on display as students are asked to umpire their own games. Fantastic work everyone!





On October 19th, I (Tabitha) represented Park Ridge at the School Regional Athletics Championships at Doncaster Athletics Track. I was selected to compete in the discus and shot-put events.


My first event was discus and I ended up finishing in 8th position overall. 


As I waited for my shot-put event, I watched some of my friends compete in other events.  


Finally, it was my turn so I headed off to marshal with my competitors.  My first throw was a practice throw but then it was time for the real thing.  I threw the shot-put and I waited for the measurement to come through - 8.82 metres!  I was ecstatic! I ended up winning the whole competition by almost 1 metre and this meant I took home the gold medal!  Now I am off to the State Championships on November 1st at Albert Park Lakeside Stadium.


Tabitha 6-22