Cadet Report

CAPT Sarah Byron

EX EMU, Puckapunyal.

From the 16th to the 23rd of September a group of Monivae and Hamilton cadets made the trek up to Puckapunyal for the brigade wide annual camp, Exercise Emu.

I think we were all a little nervous, with many of us going for the first time.   We were unsure what to expect but luckily there was enough action on the first few days with set up and organisation to be concered with any worries.

Once we all got settled in, lessons began, first aid, navigation, field engineering, ratel and so much more were included so that when the cadets took part in the field training exercise, a day long activity, they knew exactly what to do.

The cadets also got the opportunity to meet with and speak to many different army personnel, complete a range shoot, complete a navigation exercise and a mass casualty exercise.

Despite the cold towards the end and the dwindling food supplies on the last day, moral was high. Everyone worked so hard to continue creating a fun, engaging and enjoyable camp. 

Well done to all the Monivae cadets who represented our unit so well and were always eager to put their hand up and offer some help.

Emu aims to challenge and test your skills, ability and drive to keep pushing on, and it’s an incredible place to step up when leadership is needed, make new friends and improve your skills as a cadet. 

I couldn’t recommend this experience enough and hope all cadets really consider going next year!



ADJT Adriene Dawson


Cadet Ceremonial Parade, Sunday October 22

With the final full dress parade practice to be completed Friday afternoon the cadets will be ready for their final parade. I would like to thank all the senior leaders for their hard work with their platoons. To the cadets undertaking the specialist roles, your dedication to practice has been phenomenal and I know you will be amazing on Sunday. The band has been working tirelessly to ensure they sound amazing for the day.


A reminder that Sunday is a compulsory school day starting with Mass at 9.30am. Students will need to attend homeroom at 9.00am. BYO family picnic between Mass and Parade is encouraged. Parade will start at 12 midday. The weather forecast is cooler so make sure you rug up.


Cadets have been sent an information sheet with how they are to dress, this will also be checked at Friday’s practice. 


CAPT Sarah Byron