Library & Resource Centre

Maryanne Gustus

Term 4 continues to be hectic, warmer and brighter, busy as always, with the Library continuing to be actively engaged with our students for all their wants and needs.  There is a lighter feeling to Term 4 which I will admit has been very welcome after the long Winter Months.

With a mixture of joy and sadness we fare welled our beloved Year 12 cohort of 2023 on Wednesday. Over the past fortnight Year 12 students, have been given the opportunity to write messages to one another in individual booklets.  This is an annual Year 12 “thing”.  The students take with them heartfelt messages of love and kindness from their friends.  What a wonderful keepsake to peruse in years to come. 


Our wonderful Mr. Leo McMahon once again led a team of five Year 9 girls this week to provide a lunch for twenty people at the Hamilton Uniting Church.

Mr. McMahon did the shopping that morning, he and the girls prepared the meal in our Food Technology kitchen from Period 1 that morning, they were transported down to the venue in time to set up and welcome all who came.

As always, the feedback from the clients was very positive, as was the feeling from the girls about their experience.  MSC in Action teaches us to always have an awareness and sensitivity to the needs of all those around us.  Every person matters.


Thankyou Mr. McMahon and thankyou wonderful young women for your efforts, well done.

Aisha Harris
Macy Riley, Aisha Harris, Adele Cook, Elivia Robbins, Talia Harris – What a team 😊
Macy Riley
Adele Cook, Talia Harris, Mr. Leo McMahon, Macy Riley, Elivia Robbins, Aisha Harris.
Aisha Harris
Macy Riley, Aisha Harris, Adele Cook, Elivia Robbins, Talia Harris – What a team 😊
Macy Riley
Adele Cook, Talia Harris, Mr. Leo McMahon, Macy Riley, Elivia Robbins, Aisha Harris.

Ms Maryanne Gustus 
