Wellbeing Hub

Kate Couchman

Welcome back to Term 4 to all students and families. We have a busy term ahead in the world of Wellbeing.  

Last Friday, the 13th of October, we participated in Jolly Socks Day. This was to show our support to the Standing Tall in Hamilton: School Based Mentoring program. It was fantastic to see most students support this day by wearing the official Standing Tall, locally designed socks, or their own colourful socks from home. 

We currently have four students who participate every Wednesday in the Standing Tall program, and another two students are in the process of signing up. It is such a beneficial program and we are thrilled to be involved at Monivae. 


Staff Professional Learning

Congratulations to one of our Wellbeing Hub superstars, Matthew Crane, on obtaining his official certificate for the completion of his Masters of Social Work (Qualifying) degree through Federation University. 

Matthew has put countless hours of work into this whilst also juggling work and other commitments- a fantastic accomplishment. Matthew has embraced his role at Monivae this year, and has been a great support to many students, providing caring wellbeing support. 



Headspace – ‘Healthy Choices’ program

We have had a small group of Year 7 students involved in a group intervention program run through Headspace. The two, one-hour sessions have covered topics such as emotional regulation, understanding what makes us feel stressed, different emotions in different contexts and how to implement effective strategies to cope with stress or other situations. 

The students have been fantastic and engaged incredibly well in lots of hands-on activities. We will run more of these group sessions in 2024, along with an ‘Understanding Stress and Anxiety’ workshop. 


World Mental Health Day 

Students were involved in creating a mural of bright and colourful handprints for World Mental Health Day last week, October 10th.  This mural will be hung in the Wellbeing Hub as a reminder of the importance of looking after our mental health and supporting our friends if they are having a hard time. 

FUSE- FREE Youth Mental Health First Aid Training

Live4life and the FUSE South West have teamed up to provide a Youth Mental Health First Aid Training course in Hamilton for 18 – 25 year olds.  


Youth Mental Health First Aid 18 HAMILTON Tickets, Hamilton Performing Arts Centre - Ted Kenna Room , Hamilton | TryBooking Australia


The course is specifically targeted to an audience of 18 – 25 year olds through FUSE funding, and as like all Live4Life Youth MHFA courses equips adults with the skills to recognise and respond to an adolescent who may be experiencing a mental health problem or crisis situation. Using a practical, evidence-based action plan, Youth MHFA teaches participants how to support an adolescent until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves.* Gain an understanding of the latest research in the mental health field* Learn the 3 key actions for helping someone feeling suicidal* Work through complex mental health first aid interactions* Practice mental health first aid skills.* This course is specifically tailored for 18–25-year-oldsThis course will require participants to attend both full day sessions 9am -5pm.A light lunch will be provided.

Mon 13th & Tue 14th November 9am -5pm



Hamilton Performing Arts Centre - Ted Kenna Room113 Brown Street, Hamilton VIC 3300