Director of Learning and Teaching

Ben White

As we say farewell to the Class of 2023, I’d like to dedicate this newsletter to them. 


A Heartfelt Congratulations! 🎉

Firstly, a heartfelt congratulations to you all! On Wednesday, you completed your time here at Monivae, marking a significant milestone in your educational journey. The dedication, resilience, and passion you've shown throughout your time here have been nothing short of inspiring. Your individual and collective accomplishments fill us with immense pride.


Wishing You Success in the VCE Exams 📚

As you stand on the cusp of your final VCE exams, I want to wish you the very best. This is a time of intense preparation, where months and even years of hard work culminate into this defining moment. Remember, you have been equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values to tackle these exams with confidence.


A Note on Health & Nutrition 🥦🍎

While it's tempting to pull all-nighters and skip meals in a bid to squeeze in more study time, I cannot stress enough the importance of good health and nutrition. A well-balanced diet, adequate sleep, and regular breaks will not only keep your body healthy but also ensure your mind remains sharp and focused. You cannot pour from an empty cup, so please, take care of yourself.


Beyond Scores and Numbers 🌟

Lastly, while these exams are important, I'd like to remind you that your study scores and the ATAR are just numbers. They do not capture your kindness, your passions, your dreams, or your potential. They do not define you. What truly matters is the person you've become and the difference you make in the world. Remember, life has a myriad of paths, and success is a journey, not a destination.


Mr Benjamin White

Director of Learning and Teaching