First Steps Centre


  • Sunday 26th November: Kinder Family Christmas Party at Heatherdale Bowls Club
  • Wednesday 6th December: Whole school Christmas Concert 
  • BBQ available 4.30 - 6.00 only
  • Kinder Perform 5.30 - 5.45
  • School Perform 6.00- 7.30pm
  • Wednesday 13th December: Dharug last day and Christmas concert. (more details to come)
  • Thursday 14th December: Marram and Gawarn last day and Christmas concert. (more details to come)
  • Friday 15th December: Budja and Wimbi last day and Christmas concert. (more details to come)

Kinder Family Christmas Party


  • Children observed bee specimens through magnifying glasses to understand insect anatomy and looked at the shape of a honeycomb, and smelt the sweet scent of honey.  Some children recorded their observations in drawing (Emergent STEM skill)
  • Phonics: children practised sounding letter ‘H’ when we read Helping by Jenny Feely on prosocial skill and contributed words they know with this onset sound.


  • Discussions were held around starting school, including what we are looking forward to
  • Budja started planting our seedings as they have sprouted inside their little green houses; planted some new seedlings into the garden bed and enjoying looking after the kinder garden by watering the plants
  • Whole school buddies: Marram and Gawarn created AFL art with the Year 4s
  • Mandarin program: making bubbles

Have an amazing weekend!

The Kinder Team