Connections Centre

Specialist Feature News:  Science

Selamat Siang,


In Visual Arts students have been working on their Semester Two Portfolios! 


Foundation students have been experimenting with modelling clay to create their own insects and animals from the garden. Meanwhile, the 1/2 students have been using air-dry clay to design and create their own pinch pots!


In the Senior School the 3/4s have been working on their Monet-inspired watercolour and pastel artworks.  The 5/6 students have worked to create their own animals inspired by Australian artist, Pete Cromer. Students used paint, clay, wood and materials to create their own Animal! 


We hope you enjoy these artworks! It has been incredible to see so much creativity, curiosity and perseverance in the art room this term. These can also be viewed on Seesaw!


Terima Kasih, 


Marissa Mundy, Yana Gill, Treesje Butterworth, Emma McCoy, Stephanie Muratovic and Lyn Watson. 

Pupil of the Week:

Performing Arts

Junior:  Maddy J (FB)

For demonstrating wonderful singing and playing musical instruments with great enthusiasm. Great work Maddy. 


Senior: Laura M (5/6J)

For displaying confidence when working on and performing her composition. Well done Laura. 

Physical Education

Junior: Oliver B (1/2M)

For always sharing his zest and love of learning new skills and sports every week.


Senior: Annie H (5/6GD)

For showing bravery when enthusiastically participating in the mini soccer tournament.

Visual Arts

Junior: Max M (1/2H)

For demonstrating curiosity and a love of learning when creating your clay pinch pot!


Senior:  Ryan R (5/6L)

For demonstrating a love of learning and problem solving in your Wooden Animal Portfolio.


Junior: Clara M, 1/2KD

For up-leveling your Transport Mini book with some high level connectives. Hebat, Clara!


Senior: Williza T, 3/4RB

For doing an incredible job on your first ever Indonesian Portfolio all about your Dream House! Bagus sekali, Williza!


Junior: Ethan D (FH)

For enthusiastically engaging in discussions about the parts of a plant with your classmates. Well done! 


Senior: Elspeth M (3/4H)

For demonstrating curiosity when exploring the different categories of animals including mammals and birds. Well done!