Inquiry Centre


Selamat Siang

We hope everyone enjoyed the sunshine over the long weekend! The excitement is building for tonight's Grade 2 Sleepover! It is an exciting time for our students and a wonderful experience in the lead up to future camps in the Senior School. Well done to students on displaying respect and thoughtfulness during our Remembrance Day ceremony. Students made red poppies during class time and reflected on how lucky and grateful we are to live in Australia. This week we ran our last Buddy session for the year. It has been a highlight for many students to work with their peers across different year levels. With the weather heating up we remind all students to wear their hats when outside at lunch, recess and P.E.

Have a wonderful week!

Student Voice

  • Aarya P - "I like learning how to tell the time in Maths"
  • Felix N - "I am enjoying our Codes groups on Wednesdays!"
  • Aveer M - "I'm looking forward to the Grade 2 Sleepover!"
  • Kaia D - "I'm excited for the Grade 1 Late stay!


  • Maths Incursion - Wednesday November 15th
  • Students all need to be wearing hats throughout Term 4. Please ensure your child has a named hat with them at school.
  • Please check Sentral for details and permission for the Year 1 Late Stay.
  • Please pack extra snacks/lunch in your child's lunchbox to ensure they have enough food for the whole day.

Pupil of the Week

1/2H: Elizabeth H - For demonstrating creativity and a love of learning when writing a detailed recount about your long weekend. Amazing work Lizzie!


1/2J: Roy S - For demonstrating responsibility and a love of learning when challenging yourself in all learning tasks. You are a great role model for your peers!


1/2KD: Vaanya S- For your awesome writing about your long weekend. You included lots of WOW words and extra details. Well done!


1/2M: Viru H - For including capital letters, full stops and WOW words when writing about your long weekend. Well done Viru! 


1/2SM: Kaia D - For always contributing great thoughts and ideas during class discussions! We love everything that you bring to our class Kaia!