Independence Centre


Selamat Siang!

Please enjoy this week's Independence Centre highlight written by Owen and Atharv in 3/4C.


Buddy bonding 

This week the 3/4s have been going into different classes and using our negotiation skills and teamwork skills. It has been really fun working with kids across all the 3/4 classes and lots of students enjoy doing different activities and making new friends as well!



This week in Maths we have been working on using money to buy ingredients for our camp recipes for our camp. We have been finding the cheapest buy, finding the total cost and calculating change. 



This week in Reading the 3/4s have been working really hard with writing procedures about something that we want to teach people how to do in our camp such as ‘How to get ready for horse riding’, ‘How to make a burger’ and ‘How to make pancakes’. We also learnt about independent and dependent clauses to make our procedures more detailed.



Have a great week!

Emma Honan, Katrina Chooi, Kathy Wang, Ros Walker, Emily Baker, Lauren Tillotson


Student Voice:

  • "This week I enjoyed playing the game of AFL in 3/4 sport". Christian 3/4T
  • "This week I enjoyed maths because I made lots of loans in my class". Sahil 3/4RB
  • "This week I enjoyed ICE because I enjoyed building rockets in space flight simulator". Arav 3/4W 
  • "This week I enjoyed buddies because I got to play with the Kinders". Jude 3/4H
  • "This week I enjoyed literacy because we got to do our camp menus". Tattva 3/4C 


  • Please ensure your child/s has a named hat at school

Pupil of the Week

3/4C: Jude G

For demonstrating problem-solving and creativity when building your model of a giant swing. It was great to see you persevere and adapt your design as you trialled your model. 


3/4H: Elspeth M

For demonstrating life-long learning and creativity when investigating different ways to represent $37.40. Your problem-solving skills and perseverance were outstanding!


3/4RB: Liam W

For demonstrating a growth mindset when completing challenging tasks in the classroom. It's been great to see you apply different problem-solving strategies!


3/4T: Jonas T

For demonstrating leadership and creativity when working with your peers during our buddies session this week. You created amazing patterns with your kinder buddy!


3/4W: Isaac D

For demonstrating curiosity and zest when collaborating with your partner to investigate multiple solutions for your maths problem-solving activity.