Leadership Centre


Selamat Siang, We hope all of the students and families from the Leadership Centre have had an enjoyable extra few days off over the long weekend. We would like to say a big warm welcome back to everyone! 


 This term is flying by and last week students had the opportunity to partake in their very own ‘Shark Tank’ when preparing their businesses for Earn and Learn in Guided Inquiry. It was awesome to see so many students sharing their exciting business ideas and to listen to their presentations. During this process, businesses were offered deals to help make their plans and ideas come to life. Feel free to ask your child more about this! 



An additional highlight was our buddy session. On Thursday morning we gathered together with our junior buddy classes and spent some time working and socialising with them. Year 6 students worked with their junior buddies to create symbols that will assist in the promotion of the AFLW. Year 5 students worked with their foundation buddies to publish and edit stories that they had created.



  • Graduation tickets, rehearsal excursion information up on Sentral
  • Hats, sunscreen and water bottles as we enter the warmer months

Pupil of the Week

5/6B: Ivy H

For consistently displaying all of the school's values and being a wonderful role model for students across the school. 


5/6D: Hayley H

You have demonstrated leadership and teamwork when supporting your group in our open-ended maths challenge lesson. 


5/6GD: Lewis T

For demonstrating the character strength of teamwork when working with your buddy to publish their story. 


5/6J: Henry J

For demonstrating creativity in leadership hour by incorporating your Year 6 partner's interests into a portrait for their graduation.


5/6L: Tanya B

For demonstrating teamwork and creativity when working with your buddy to create a digital drawing that incorporates aboriginal symbols to promote the AFLW.