Principal's Message

Term 4 Week 6

Congratulations Public Speaking Reps

We pride ourselves on the focus we place on Public Speaking at MPRPS. The students at MPRPS are phenomenal and continue to set a very high standard. Congratulations to Daniel F in Foundation, Ishaan T in 1/2 , Aira in 3/4 and Kaitlyn S in 5/6 who represented us at the competition at Rangeview PS. Daniel, Ishaan and Aira all placed second receiving a medal and Kaitlyn did a wonderful job, as the judges said it was very close in the 5/6 competition. As we moved through the age groups the standard increased incredibly with competitors. It was a privilege to attend and see how impressive the students were in delivering their speeches. A big thank you to parents who attended and teachers who worked with all  students to prepare them for the competition.

Orientations for Kinder and Foundation 

And that's it! Kinder and Foundation Orientation sessions are completed. Thank you to all of our new and continuing families for their engagement and support across the last few weeks. A big thank you to Foundation teachers and all the support form ES and Specialist teachers to ensure everything ran smoothly each Wednesday.  We have volunteers for each of the Foundation Classes for Parent Reps. We now begin to plan for Step Up Week to support the remainder of the Learning Centres for transition ready for 2024.

Curriculum Day

On Monday was our final Curriculum Day for the year where staff focused on Assessment and Reporting. All teaching staff also finalised their Professional Development Plans with Erin Bennetts, Andrew Shaw and myself. It is a great opportunity to reflect on the year and each teacher's achievements across the year.

Whole School Buddies

Always a highlight when we have our buddies sessions across the school. 

Year 5 students helped their Foundation buddy to publish their narrative stories.

"we wrote our story" - Hailey K

"we typed our story on the iPad with our buddy" - Rubani S

"we wrote our story with our buddy and it took a long time" - Maisie V

"we gave cards to our buddy" - Grace and Julia

"we did games on the iPads" - Charles and Wild

The rest of the school worked together to use First Nations symbols as they designed creative football and jersey artwork for the upcoming AFLW Grand Final.

Remembrance Day

Thank you to our families that made it up to school for the Remembrance Day service lead capably by our School Leaders, Lily, Arnav, Grace and Yianni. The choir lead by Emily Glen sang Seasons of Love. Emily and Laura signed for the National Anthem accompanied by Mr Shaw and Allan. With Mathew, Ethan, Varunn and Manvik working the flags. SRC representatives from each classes laid flowers and then of course we had the amazing respect of all students and staff. A huge thank you to everyone involved!