WELC & International Student Report

Ms Debby Morgan 

Message from the WELC and International Student Coordinator 

Ms Debby Morgan

WELC – Term 4

Westall English Language Centre Report

It has been very busy in WELC over the last few weeks.  All the WELC students went to Bonbeach Lifesaving Club and participated in a Beach program run by Surf Lifesaving Victoria.  Students did a variety of activities, both on the beach and in the water.  Teachers were really impressed by how all students actively participated in all activities despite it been quite a cold day!


Students learned important safety skills that will be useful throughout their lives. We encourage students to continue to learn to swim and to learn water safety techniques to ensure their safety near water in Australia.


On Thursday 23 November WELC held a Graduation ceremony for the 35 students who will exit our program this term.  This week, students exiting to Westall have moved to the main college and started their Headstart program there. This is a great opportunity for these students to meet new friends, meet their teachers and get important information about their subjects before the new year.  Over the next few weeks, other students will also go to their new schools to participate in Transition programs. We wish all students who are leaving success in their future studies and hope they come back to visit us one day!


In Week 9, an ex-WELC student visited the Language Centre. He attended WELC a few years ago as a Year 7 student and has just recently graduated Year 12. He gave a short presentation to WELC students, and they asked him questions about his experience. It was a great opportunity for our students to hear what possibilities await them after their time at our centre.


A reminder that last day of classes is 13 December and then there are activities for students on 14 – 15 and 18 – 19 December. Then we will have about 6 weeks holiday and students will start school again on 30 January 2024. We encourage students to continue to practise their English during the break doing things like watching English movies, reading English books and talking to other people in English. We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday!


Debby Morgan

WELC Coordinator

International Student Program Report

On Thursday, 23 November, nine of our international students graduated from Westall Secondary College.  The International team would like to congratulate these students on their achievements and wish them all the best for their future plans.  It is a huge achievement to complete VCE in your native language but to do it in an additional language and in a new country is even more amazing – well done!


We congratulate Thida Sok on her job as International Captain in 2023. Thida worked closely with International staff to make changes to Homework club and increase activities offered to international students. In 2024, Nnika So Thyna will be the International Captain. Congratulations on your appointment Nnika and we look forward to seeing what you can do next year as captain.


The International Division has informed us that there has been a delay in deciding Tuition fees for 2024 but these should be finalised by the end of Term 4.


A reminder to all International students that they need to inform the school of their travel plans if they intend to travel back home over the summer holidays.  Students in homestay also need to inform the school if they want to travel within Australia. We wish all our students a safe and happy holiday and hope they enjoy spending time with family and friends back home.


Debby Morgan

International Student Program Coordinator

International Photos