Middle School Report

Ms Michelle Collins

Message from the 

Director of  Learning - Middle School

Ms Michelle Collins

As we approach the end of another academic year, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to our dedicated staff, diligent students, and supportive parents for making this year at Westall Secondary College truly extraordinary.


Our Middle School teachers have worked tirelessly to support the growth and development of our students. Whether it was adapting to new programs, organising enriching extracurricular activities, or providing invaluable mentorship, each member of our staff has played a pivotal role in shaping the academic and personal journeys of our students.


To our students, your enthusiasm for learning, resilience in the face of challenges, and support of one another have been wonderful to see throughout this year. It's inspiring to witness the effort you've put into your studies, the creativity you've brought to the classroom, and the positive energy you've infused into our school community.


A special note of appreciation goes out to the parents and guardians who have been our partners in education. Your unwavering support, involvement in school activities, and commitment to your child's education have made a significant impact on their academic and personal growth. The partnership between home and school is a crucial element in the success of our students, and we are truly grateful for your collaboration.


Wishing you a restful and enjoyable break and looking forward to seeing you again for another exciting school year.


Michelle Collins

Director of Learning – Middle School

A message from the Coordinator of Year 10 

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,


As the academic year draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey we've shared this year. I remember the nervousness I initially felt at starting this year as a new teacher here taking on the Year 10 coordinator position, quickly melt away given the warmth and acceptance from staff and students alike. Since then, it has been a succession of special events like the camp and work experience along with the everyday routine occurrences which has made for a very busy but truly rewarding year.


The Year 10 camp stands out as a tapestry of memories, woven with laughter, challenges, and personal growth. Witnessing the resilience and camaraderie displayed by our students was truly inspiring. I am confident that the bonds formed during this experience will endure.


Assisting with the work experience program was another highlight of the year, as students delved into the real world of work. The enthusiasm and curiosity they brought to various workplaces were commendable. I believe this hands-on experience has equipped them with valuable insights that will shape their academic and professional journeys.


Organising scholarship opportunities has been a fulfilling endeavour. Witnessing the pursuit of excellence among our students and their commitment to academics, leadership, and community engagement has been truly heartening. I have every confidence that these scholarships will open doors to bright futures and further accomplishments.


To all our Year 10 students, as you embark on the next phase of your educational journey, remember that the foundation you've built here will serve you well. Seize every opportunity, embrace challenges, and continue to strive for excellence.


Thank you for entrusting me with the responsibility of guiding our Year 10 cohort.

Wishing you all a wonderful and restful break. Until we meet again, take care, and stay inspired. Warm regards,


Gowri Nair

Year 10 Coordinator


A message from the Coordinator of Year 9

 Dear Parents and Guardians,


As the Year 9 Coordinator for 2023, I would like to express my gratitude to both the Year 9 students and parents. It is your active participation and support that has made this year a success, and it has been a great honour of mine to guide and witness their growth over the past year. 


The journey has been marked by exploration, growth, and memorable moments for our students. One highlight was the Morrisby career test, a tool that allowed our students to delve into their strengths, interests, and aspirations. It's been a joy to see them engage with the process of self-discovery, laying the foundation for informed decisions about their educational and career paths.


Another significant chapter unfolded during our Middle School Camp—a time of bonding, adventure, and personal challenge. The friendships forged and the resilience demonstrated by our students were truly commendable. These experiences have not only shaped their characters but also created lasting memories.


As our students transition to the next phase of their academic journey, I have confidence in their abilities and potential. The foundation laid during Year 9 will serve them well as they navigate the exciting path ahead.


Best regards,

Summer Bao

Year 9 Coordinator

Some Words from Middle School Captain

Being a middle school captain was both incredibly fun and hardworking. I have loved every moment of this role and the opportunity it has given me to represent and speak for my cohort during this year.


Planning and organising fun activities for my year level has been a rewarding experience, as I get to talk and organise the activities with my fellow middle school captains/ vice captains as well as getting to see my classmates come together and enjoy themselves throughout the year and luckily later this week! It has also taught me valuable skills such as leadership, teamwork, and time management.


As my time as a middle school captain comes to an end, I want to wish the next year's captains the best of luck!!!


Kai Lin

Middle School Captain 2023

Vice School Captain's Message

Being vice-school captain was a great experience for me. I learned a lot about leadership, teamwork, and responsibility. I enjoyed working closely with the school captains, the teachers, and the other students to organize events, projects, and activities. 


Balancing both the role of a captain and my academics was a challenging but satisfying task as I had to meet deadlines and fulfill my responsibilities. However, I felt proud of myself and my school for achieving our goals and making a positive impact on the school/ community. I look forward to next year’s captains and hope they will feel the same.


Matthew Lee

Middle School Vice-Captain 2023


'Top Your Cupcake'

In a world where innovation knows no age, a group of talented Year 10 students emerged as budding entrepreneurs, turning their creative ideas into a thriving lunchtime business venture!


Leyna Nguyen, Thao Phan, Wawish Lual and Gianna Luon ran their customizable cupcake business during lunch as part of their assessment task for Year 10 Global Literacy. They put in a tonne of hardwork in class and in their own time to enable a smooth service and delicious cupcakes. They received lots of positive feedback from staff and students.

Well done!


Ms Sian Moore

Humanities Coordinator


Middle School Mock Trail 

We are delighted to share the exciting news of a remarkable achievement our talented Year 9 and Year 10 students who recently prepared and participated in a mock trial. Their dedication, hard work, and impressive performance are really outstanding, and we couldn't be prouder of their accomplishments.

The journey towards the mock trial success was not an easy one. The students devoted countless hours to research, practising their arguments, and developing a comprehensive understanding of the case. The mock trial was held in a real courtroom setting, adding a layer of authenticity to the experience. The students gained a deeper understanding of the legal system, developed critical thinking skills, and honed their public speaking abilities. These skills will undoubtedly serve them well in their future endeavours.

We want to express our immense pride in the accomplishments of our Year 9 and Year 10 students. Their mock trial success is a reminder that hard work, dedication, and a commitment to excellence can lead to remarkable achievements. We are excited to see what the future holds for these promising young advocates.


Thank you for your continued support and encouragement as we celebrate the achievements of our students. 

Mr. Jeffrey Ji

Humanities Teacher

Year 10 Science excursion to Science Works



On 26th October, we, the year 10s, had an educational but enjoyable experience going to Science Works, led by our wonderful team of science teachers and ES staff organized by Miss Buyya. As we travelled via public transport it was a fantastic way to see and discover many things, from local suburbs, sporting facilities, historical venues all the way to the busy city of Melbourne.


During our visit we gazed upon the night sky in the Planetarium. We saw many new and interesting things such as the different planets in our solar system and their proximity to earth, as well as learning how to spot the differences between stars and planets when looking with the naked eye. We also had the chance to view stars that are thousands and millions of light years away, and constellations ranging from Aboriginal tradition and ancestry to Greek discoveries. 


After our gaze upon the universe, we then had time to roam around the facility trying the challenges, games, machinery, and the interesting technology they had to offer. As we all got to have a go on the racetrack, rock wall, reflex tester, strength checker, balance tester and many more. We were able to bond together as a cohort as we start to prepare ourselves for our transition from middle school to senior school as a team.


Students of Year 10 Science


Smrithi Buyya

Science Coordinator