Assistant Principal (Years 7-9) Report 

Ms Alice Paget

Report from Assistant Principal Alice Paget

Dear Westall SC community,


Well, Term 4 has flown by and we are just starting to see some lovely warmer weather creeping in. 


I would like to highlight some of the amazing work that has been happening in some of the iCreate subjects during Term 4:

  • Coding: the students have been working on a range of products, including 3D printed objects, game design and a range of other individual digital projects. Check out some of the products below (all designed by the students)!
  • Landscape, Architecture and Design: the students have been working on a range of projects to strengthen the aesthetic around the school, including paintings and garden beds. They are very eye catching and creating a real buzz around the school. 
  • Taekwondo: the students have been focusing on their fitness skills, self-defence and sparring this Term. Students with higher belts have been taking the lead in the class. Congratulations to all the student leaders!

Our iCreate Program, that runs every Wednesday afternoon, provides students with an opportunity to connect with their school community on an area of passion or interest they wish to explore further. Stay tuned in the next newsletter to hear more detail about the other iCreates. Below are some pictures of the students. 

Upcoming events in Term 4:


Future Year 7 Orientation Day will take place on the 12th December. I would like to extend a warm welcome to the new students and parents of the college and we look forward to making the transition for your son, daughter or young person a positive and supportive experience. The day will commence at 8.45am and conclude at 3.00pm (students are to wear their Primary school uniform).


Our Headstart Program provides students with an opportunity to commence their new subjects for 2024. Please keep in mind the following dates:

Week DatesHeadstart Year Levels
927/11-1/122024 classesCurrent Year 7-11
104/12-8/122024 classesCurrent Year 7-9



Personal Development Workshops


Current Year 7-9

Current Year 7-9

1218/12-19/12‘End of Year Activities’Current Year 7-9

Note that, the last day of school for Year 10s and Year 11s is the 1st December 2023.


The last day of school for Year 7s-Year 9s is the 19th December 2023, however academic classes will finish on the 15th December, followed by 4 days of activities


Sub-school and School Improvement Team for 2024:

I would like to welcome some new members to our sub-school roles and leadership position for next year. We are very fortunate to have Summer Bao commencing a new role in the International Department Ellen Rankin bolstering our Inclusion and Wellbeing team. I would also like to introduce our new Year Level Coordinators: Dean Goulamis (Year 8), Peter Tarwala (Year 9) and Kristian Gropel (Year 11). 

I hope you have a great end to the Term, as it starts to wind down, and a lovely break over the holidays!


Take care,

Alice Paget

Assistant Principal (Years 7-9)