Principal's Report

Mr Tristan Lanarus 

Report from Westall Principal 2023

Dear Westall Community,


What a year it has been!!!!!!!!!


We do still have a few weeks to go but the end of 2023 is near. 

  • Year 10 and 11 students (Year 11/12 2024 cohort) last day is Friday 1 December.
  • Year 7, 8 and 9 (Year 8,9,10 2024 cohort) last day is Tuesday 19 December.

We have achieved so much this year and have so much to be proud of

  • Happy, engaged and connected students.
  • Excellent academic learning outcomes.
  • Outstanding NAPLAN results above State and Similar schools.
  • Year 12 Graduation for VCE and VM students with final scores soon to be released.
  • Successful careers pathways for students post Westall.
  • I Create Student projects around the school.
  • Camps across all year levels.
  • Excursions and incursions – Learning and Wellbeing focused.
  • Sport Competitions participation and championships.
  • Special subject programs and events.
  • Arts and Culture Festival Week.
  • Harmony Day.
  • Awards Assemblies and Presentations.
  • A record enrolment of almost 100 students at Year 7 next year.
  • More new staff recruited to our school for next year.

This is just a summary as there is so much more goes on every day, every week, every term!!!!!!


To go with all of this, 2023 is our 60-year birthday as a school. We also have a new building (SLC – Senior Learning Centre) to open and celebrate.


Please see flyer attached.

You are more than welcome to come along. No RSVP required.


Mr Tristan Lanarus
