Principals Update

Mick Schinck

Key Events

Term 4, Week 5

Friday 3rd November- Chocolate Drive (School Fete) & Fancy Hat Day


Term 4, Week 6

Monday 6th November- School Closure Day

Tuesday 7th November- Melbourne Cup Public Day

Wednesday 8th November- Reconciliation - Yr 2 @12pm

Friday 10th November- LacrosseDistrict Gala Day - Year 6 students 


Term 4, Week 7

Tuesday 14th November- Year 3/4 Camp

Wednesday 15th November- Year 3/4 Camp & Prep 2024 Transition session, 9.15am - 10.45am

Thursday 16th November - Working Bee for Fete. Setting up stalls, 4.30pm - 7.30pm - VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED

Friday 17th November-  SCHOOL FETE, 3.30-8.00PM

Dear SJV Families,

This week has been a challenging week for all involved at SJV with the devastating news  of the passing of Jordy Thompson, mother of Sam (Year 5SJ) and Lachie Byrnes (Year 3/4LB) last Saturday afternoon. As many of you were aware, Jordy had been battling Ovarian Cancer since the beginning of the year and was a strong advocate for early detection and testing with women.  


On Tuesday evening we had a number of parents and staff members attend a gathering for Jordy.  During this evening, we were able to share reflections and pray as a community. It was also a time for everyone to come together to support one another in our grief and thank God for the life of Jordy. What was even more special was that Jordy's Parents, John and Julie Thompson attended. Julie had the courage at the end of the evening to speak to those who were present about the life of her beautiful daughter and thanked the SJV community for wrapping their arms around the boys. As one parent said to me, she spoke with such poise and grace. 

The funeral details have yet to be finalised and I will communicate this to everyone once they are confirmed.


Please continue to keep the boys, David, John and Julie and the rest of their families in your thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time.

Eternal rest grant unto Jordy, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace.

Important Reminders

  • When students enter the gates from 8.30am, they will line up in their designated areas. At 8.45am the bell will sound indicating that the students can now enter their classrooms. The reflective music will be played at 8.50am signalling the beginning of prayer and meditation. Formal classes then begin at 9am.
  • Punctuality - It is important that all students arrive at school at the correct time.
  • The next newsletter will be sent to families Thursday 16th of November.

School Fete

Not long now until the school fete!! I hope that everyone has Friday the 17th of November highlighted on their calendar to come to SJV and support the School Fete. The Fete begins at 3:30pm and usually concludes around 8:00 pm. This is a wonderful tradition that St. John Vianney’s school maintains and it is one that we should all be very proud of. In the last 11 years many schools have had to drop their fetes or other fundraisers due to lack of support but we at St. John Vianney’s can proudly talk of our ongoing efforts in this area. Those of us who are here in 2023 are merely the custodians of something that has been going for over 30 years. I hope that every family actively contributes to the success of this year’s event. We need people to volunteer to set up the stalls, work on the day, sell raffle tickets, to contribute to our appeal days, look for donations that may be appropriate for silent auctions or other stalls.


Now is the time that we, the custodians of the 2023 Fete all come together to work and support this great community we call SJV. We want to continue the growth of our Fete as a significant fundraising and social event for our school, our community and the broader community who support our efforts. This year the funds that we raise will go a long way to the development of our school resources and infrastructure. Let’s make this year’s Fete an effort to remember  and a time that the children will never forget. So jump on board and support this wonderful event!

First Reconciliation

On Wednesday the 8th of November at 12pm, our Year 2 students plus some other students from other grades will receive their First Reconciliation in the St. John Vianney’s Church. This will be the second sacrament for each of our students and it is the sacrament that we all live out on many occasions every day. This sacrament is where we are saying sorry for what we have done wrong in our daily lives. Parents of candidates are invited to attend on this day.

Prep 2024 Transition Sessions

Today, we had our 2024 Preps attend their first transition session here at SJV. It was wonderful to see so many students wearing their SJV Super Preps T-shirt.  The boys and girls were all so excited when they first came in and had a great time here at SJV experiencing life as a Prep.


Our next Prep 2024 Orientation Session is on:

  • Wednesday 15th November 9.15-10.45am

New School Website

Please don't forget to check out, the new SJV website as it is now live for everyone to see. Please click on the link to view. 

Pupil Free Day

There will be no school for students on Monday, 6th November, the day before the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday. 

End of School Year 

School will finish for students at 12:00pm on Friday, 15th December.

Classes for 2024

As we begin the process of planning ahead for 2024 classes, I ask any families who know that they will not be returning to St. John Vianney's in 2024 please inform me as soon as possible.

Remembrance Day - 11th November

The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month is a moment not only to pause and remember all those who have served and sacrificed in wars and conflicts across the world, but also to reflect on the historical events that led to this day of significance. Originally announced to mark the anniversary of the Armistice that ended fighting with Germany in World War I, Remembrance Day today gives us all the opportunity to acknowledge the service personnel who died while serving in wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations. From Monday the 23rd of October, Year 6 Social Justice Leaders will be selling merchandise for our local RSL. Poppies and other items will be available for $2, $4, $5 & $10. Please support this worthy cause.




Mick Schinck
