Achievement Awards
The following Achievement awards will be handed out at assembly, this Friday at 3:00pm in the JCB.
FKH - Aston J - for a gorgeous and creative picture using 2D shapes.
FKH - Frida F - for working hard on adding detail into her writing.
F/1KB - Tanya B - for being confident and ready to learn each morning.
F/1KB - Nettles P - for being a thoughtful and caring friend.
F/1KB - Hazel S - for developing great fluency in her reading.
1/2CS - Lilyanna H - for her beautiful and expressive reading.
1/2TT - Elliott P - for working hard in mathematics.
1/2TT - Spencer R - for a terrific attitude towards learning.
3/4BM - Isla FS - for her thorough research into Genyornis.
3/4VW - Xander D - for great work with multiplication.
3/4MS - Xavier W - for putting a lot of effort into his mini dinosaur project. Well Done!
3/4MS - Indi C - for her wonderful character descriptions. Well done!
3/4MS - Sarah B - for putting a lot of effort into her online assessments. Well done!
3/4MS - Xavier W - for his fantastic effort he puts into his reading.