Principal's Report
Dear parents,
Thank you to everyone who came down on Sunday to our amazing school fete. We couldn’t have asked for a better day and were thrilled to see the amazing community turn out. As I walked around, I noticed smiling children and community connection at every turn. It’s hard to quantify the benefits of this connection in terms of a number or figure. Besides the amazing fundraising achievement, I think the value that this sense of community and pride in our school on the day was priceless.
I feel so grateful to everyone who contributed to the success of the day and feel proud and inspired to have been a part of it. Thank you if you helped set up a gazebo, printed posters, flipped sausages, baked a cake, helped their child with a lego creation, put in a silent auction bid, painted faces, stuck a plant for the plant sale, supervised an activity, or completed any number of other tasks to support our success. I would also like to acknowledge and thank the teaching and school staff team for their contribution and strong turn out on the day.
It is important to make special mention of the core fete committee and their tireless efforts and attentions to detail to plan and run such this successful community event. Thank you Briohny, Deb, Kate and Melissa for all of your efforts. We would literally not have been able to have done it without you.
The funds raised from the fete will go toward the installation of a off grid solar system for the eco shed which will support the growth and expansion of the facilities in Middle Gully. We have raised over $17 000 and will pool this money with other fundraising success from 2023 to contribute to the installation.
I will make keep you up to date as to the progress of this project.
Kind regards and Sampai jumpa (until next time),