What's going on in Year 3/4 this term...

What's happening in Year 3/4
We have been learning about many exciting things this term and have many more to come as we roll on to the end of the year.
Here is a small summary of what we have been learning about:
Reaching Out and Serving Others
During Religious Education this term we have been focusing on the topic, ‘Reaching Out and Serving Others’. We have been exploring ways in which we serve other people, exploring the concept of loving service and relating it to mission, based on Jesus’ example. The students have made some amazing posters which are displayed in our classroom and the Middle Years Hub.
Who is in Our Community?
During Inquiry, we have been reflecting on ourselves and exploring the question, ‘Who is in our community?’ We have had an opportunity to explore the range of diverse backgrounds that make up the communities we are a part of, gain a deeper understanding of the cultures of those around us as well as their own while celebrating all that makes us diverse and unique.
An Aussie Adventure Like No Other
During Literacy, we have been reading and focusing our learning around the book ‘Dirt by Sea’ by Michael Wagner. The book is an Aussie journey like no other, following Daze and her Dad as they hit the road and learn all about Australia. We have taken inspiration from the graphic novel style of the story, and in conjunction with our inquiry learning, have aimed to inform our readers about a particular culture through the creation of our own graphic story.
I got in an argument with a 90 degree angle.
Turns out it was right!
During Maths this term, we have been getting hands on while exploring the concepts of angles, weight, mass, capacity and volume. We have also been gathering our own data in the classroom and interpreting it through a range of different graphs and tables.
Multiplication tables lie in the forefront of many of our students’ minds. They are so excited when they realize they can respond so quickly and the answers are correct. Everyone learns when fun is happening as well!
The Competition is Heating Up!
During Physical Education, we have been enjoying the spring sunshine while playing the much loved game of Downball! We have been developing our throwing, catching and hand-eye coordination skills every week all while self-umpiring and having loads of fun!
What’s coming up in 3/4:
Mad about Science
Coming up in Week 7, we will be participating in an exciting Earth and space sciences workshop here at school with Mad About Science. Mad About Science are science communicators educators who are committed to sparking a lifelong passion for science. The students will be experiencing a range of concepts focusing on Earth, the Solar System and the Milky Way! During the sessions, students will develop critical and creative thinking skills, ask questions, make predictions and draw conclusions using scientific methods.
Swimming Week
We are super excited to get into the pool and develop our swimming skills, learn all about staying safe in the water and keeping cool at Aquamoves this term. 3/4 Secchi will be swimming in Week 8 and 3/4 Howley, Dainton, Renato and O’Hara will be swimming in Week 9.