A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
I hope all families enjoyed a break over the Cup weekend. The teachers certainly appreciated time to write reports and have a well earned break.
Tomorrow we welcome our new Foundation Students for 2024. We have 45 Foundation students for next year at this stage.
Tomorrow the students will arrive at 9.15am and spend time with teachers and become familiar with our School. It is always such an exciting time for our new Foundation Students and parents.
It is a pleasure to announce some new staff for next year.
We have appointed Dom Poppa as a classroom 5/6 teacher for next year. Dom has previously been a Principal at St. Mel's and St. Anne's and more recently Deputy Principal at Sacred Heart Tatura. We are so fortunate to have Dom teach at our school with his wealth of expertise.
We welcome back Emma McNamara (3 days Science), Chelsea Renato (2 days) and Chris Quinn (2 days in 5/6 area). Millie Casey will work three days in 5/6 area.
We are so pleased to have these experienced teachers joining us.
Marg Caldow will continue with us in a job share position which we are very happy to also have Marg back with us.
We are interviewing some more teachers and will inform you when we appoint teachers.
We are now planning for next year and we will be using Class Solver to help organise the children in their classes.
The year is certainly going quickly. In the next few weeks, we will begin and our Swimming Program and ask that you please fill in the permission form on Operoo.
There will be no Assembly tomorrow and next Friday as the new Foundation children will be in the courtyard for their Transition days.
Yours sincerely,
Paula Stevenson