Visual Arts

Arte Visual



During the last couple of weeks, students in the F/1's have been examining drawing and clay modelling. To begin with, students explored the artwork of author and Illustrator Jon Klassen through a read-aloud of 'I Want My Hat Back! Together we dissected the different shapes we could find when looking at the bear in the book. Students were then to recreate the main character the bear from this book. They were encouraged to use their creative flair and add additional features to add personality to their bear. Students made a variety of different bears from pirates to princesses.  


Lately, students have been revisiting their understanding of clay modelling to reinforce their knowledge of clay forms further. They were also allowed to use these forms to create an object of their choosing.  This week students will be creating a heart plaque using coils. 


Grade 2/3


Grade 2/3 students have also been busy building their understanding of clay techniques by making various forms and learning the Spanish vocabulary associated with clay. They are well on their way to becoming ceramic artists. 


'Four Cupcakes' Wayne Thiebaud
'Four Cupcakes' Wayne Thiebaud

This week students have been examining the artwork of American Pop Artist Wayne Thiebaud who was famous for painting various foods which include cupcakes. Using his artwork as a stimulus to inspire them, students have begun making clay cupcakes. As part of this unit students have been learning how to create a pinch pot and use textures to mimic the appearance of a cupcake wrapper. Next week, students will be deciding what their cupcakes will look like and whether they will use a coil or another pinch pot to create their cupcake tops. Students will be extended by considering how they can make their cupcakes look more 'appetising' to the viewing audience by adding additional features such as cherries, strawberries or sprinkles. 



Grade 4/5/6


In Grades 4-6 students have been learning about the Linden Gallery Postcard Exhibition and have had the opportunity to make their postcards using both a medium and subject matter of their choice. These postcards will be entered into the Zart Student Competition.



 Grade 4/5


The Grade 4/5's have begun learning about the artwork of American Pop Artist Andy Warhol. They have learnt how he used repetition and everyday items to create his silkscreen prints. In homage to his work, students were to select an object of their choosing to draw a total of 4 to 6 times. Once they had drawn their object students had to colour in each image a different colour scheme to replicate elements of Warhol's artwork.

Later on in the term, they will further build on their knowledge of Warhol's artwork by making portraits of major figures of popular culture as well as creating self-portraits. 



Grade 6


Grade 6 students have begun working on their Graduation Self Portraits, they have created colourful and vibrant backgrounds using rubbing plates and crayons to make implied textures. They were also allowed to add a light watercolour wash to their backgrounds. Next week, they will begin making their self-portrait prints by transferring a photograph onto a piece of scratch foam.