Educación Física y Salud

Health and Physical Education 



Over the last four weeks, our Prep and Year 1 students have been practising their kicking skills through different engaging group activities.


In games like "The animal kicking," they've explored the world of using their legs and feet to kick a ball, focusing on using their toes and the inside of their foot. We also learned the importance of keeping their eyes on the target.


In the past two weeks, we've introduced exciting games that challenged our young learners to aim, improving their foot-eye coordination and accuracy. Alongside these essential physical skills, our students are also learning some important skills for effective group work - how to be kind to one another, share equipment responsibly, and take turns.

In the next weeks, we will be working on punting and bouncing. 




Over the past four weeks, our Year 2 and 3 students have been practising the art of kicking with control, which is essential for many sports.


They've had the opportunity to engage in activities that compared toe-kicking with using the inside of the foot. Through these team activities, they've discovered that using the inside of the foot improves control and accuracy.


Through aiming games, our students were asked to adjust the power they put into their kicks. Whether it's knocking over cones in the "kick the pin" game with a forceful kick or guiding the ball through hoops in the "colour hoops" game with, they've gained great understanding into the concept of precision.


Moreover, these games have proved to be more than just physical challenges; they've also served as math adventures. Our students have been applying their mathematical skills, including addition, subtraction, and even multiplication.


As we look ahead to the coming weeks, we're excited to refine our bouncing skills with different ball sizes. 



The past four lessons, our Year 4 to Year 6 students have been focusing on teamwork and essential passing strategies in invasion games through soccer.


For dynamic teamwork, the warm-up game "The Foxes" was introduced. Teams cooperated to plan their own tail-stealing strategies. 


Year 4 and 5 students had the opportunity to refine w their passing skills in soccer through different adapted games. The focus was on delivering the perfect pass to a moving teammate when breaking into the opponent's zone. 


Meanwhile, our Year 6 students participated in similar games with some modifications to improve their offensive strategies. They've been enhancing the skill of passing to empty spaces, a key concept that creates an advantage over the opponent. Additionally, they've been combining the subtlety of soft touches with the power of hard ones, improving their control, and shooting in two moves.


Through all these activities, the underlying theme has been teamwork and encouragement. Our students have been encouraged to think as a united force and lifting each other up with positivity.