

Hola leyendas, 



F1s have being exploring mood in music, listening to examples from Handel, Mozart, Vivaldi to Adele, ABBA, Queen to The Clash. They have been describing the mood, the tempo (if it is slow, medium or fast - or a mix of them), the dynamics (loud and softs) and the instruments in them.


Performing wise they have been playing through "Bear Went Over the Mountain", on the glockenspiel and keyboards with a focus on using the correct fingers for those on keyboard. We will be looking at playing the piece in rounds (starting at different times)



Grade 2/3s Have continued to explore tempo and the Italian music names such as Andante, Allegro and Presto. They have been listening to given examples and giving suggestions for the class to analyse, working out the tempo in beats per minute and linking it to it's musical name.


Compositionally, they are looking at different intervals (spaces between notes) to use in their own compositions. They are exploring Major 3rds (4 semitones), Minor 3rds (3 semitones) and Perfect 5ths (7 semitones) to make up Major (1st, Major 3rd and Perfect 5th) and Minor Chords (1st, Minor 3rd and Perfect 5th) using real keyboards and manually inputting the notes into BandLab Midi Editor using 4 semitones and 3 semitones for a Major Chord and 3 and 4 semitones for a minor chord.


Grades 4-6 are finishing off their Spanish Music comparison assignments. Those who have finished are exploring playing music on the Ukulele and keyboard including "Spanish Romance", "Waka Waka", "Despacito melody", "The Can Can" and on keyboard latin patterns "Guajira" from Cuba. Guajira was introduced to Cuba in the medieval times played by singers/poets of the era on a lute or guitar and was sung by rhyming words improsing as they went along. It was originally brought by Spanish colonists before adapted by Cuban farms who called it "punto guajira"