Leadership Report

Hola a todos, 


As we find ourselves nearing the midpoint of Term Four, I would like to provide our school community with an update on the progress of our ongoing school construction project.


As you may have observed from the street view, our two learning worlds and administration building are approaching completion. The next phase will involve the interior finishing touches, including classroom painting and the beautification of our central courtyards.


In tandem with the construction efforts, we are diligently working on landscaping the site, which entails creating a swale between the learning worlds, laying down pathways, and planting trees and greenery around the new structures.


While progress on the gymnasium has been slightly slower than anticipated, we are looking forward to its completion by May 2024. Regrettably, due to various cost considerations, we have made the decision to construct the gym using steel, rather than laminated wood.


One of the final elements to be completed is the canopy that will connect the gym to the administration building, serving as the main entrance from Elizabeth Street. Furthermore, we are pleased to confirm that an asphalt car park will be situated in front of Elizabeth Street to enhance accessibility.


I would also like to convey that, owing to financial constraints, several construction elements originally included in the masterplan have been temporarily removed. These elements encompass the new third learning world located at the rear of our existing administration building. Notably, this decision also affects the current F/1 building, library, art room, and Oosh facilities. These elements are not eliminated permanently but will be reconsidered for inclusion in our revised masterplan following the successful completion of the ongoing construction.


Looking ahead, we are excited to announce our intention to host an open day in late January 2024. This special event will coincide with the 'Book Pack' distribution, where families are invited to collect their child's educational materials and explore the newly constructed learning worlds.


We appreciate your continued support and patience as we work to provide a new and improved educational environment for our students.

