Learning and Teaching

It was very good. I found it really relaxing. We played around with the paper in the first week and I made the Twin Towers and paper airplanes. Then we made lucky stars and paper cranes. In the last week, we made paper balloons. Hoang Khang 5/6S
Board Games
I liked when we were playing the games. I liked playing Jenga and when it fell down. I liked when we played four in a row and someone won. Helene Prep
I liked it because it was my passion and I always like to play music. It was creative and we played most musical instruments and sang songs. Sonny 12B
Art - Clay
We got to make anything we wanted in the first lesson. We painted the clay. I made a green potato, a blue head with a crown and you could take the crown off. Tex 1/2B
Drama Games
In drama games, I liked the two truths and one lie. It was so fun and we got to tell two things that are true about you and a lie. It was really dramatic, fun and cool. Katie 1/2S
It was really calming and relaxing. I felt so calm I nearly fell asleep. The stretches helped me stretch my back. It made me feel calm, motivated and warm all at the same time. The people in the group weren’t distracting, we said jokes but then went back to the stretches. We worked well. Makayla 5/6K
When we made the slime. I like putting the stuff together and mixing it and working with different people. It was fun. Gus Prep
I learned not to judge someone by their skill. I haven’t been playing for long and there were a lot of people better than me. No one ever ‘talked trash’, we supported each other. It was really fun. I got better across the four weeks. Johnny F 5/6K
Art - Self Portraits
I really liked it and thought it was really fun. It involved all the kids. We learned to do grid drawing. We got to see how people know how to draw and what Miss Debbie could do. We saw her paintings as well as other people. Audrey 5/6S
We did hip hop. I really enjoyed it and got to see what other people could do. I got to see what Miss Letitia could do and her abilities. I had fun with my friends dancing around. Kate 5/S
Planting and growing
It was fun. We got to plant our own seeds. I chose rosemary. We put some soil, water and took care of them over the weeks. We put some seeds on cotton wool and put them in plastic bags. We did experiments with the seeds to see what would happen. Lucrezia 3/4K
I liked when we made a build, we could keep it in the tubs until the four lessons were done. We used parts from our builds in other builds. We could bring stuff from home for our boat experiment - sink or float. I made my boat from Lego. It half sank and half floated. Jack 3/4K
I liked it. I love gymnastics. We practiced handstands and cartwheels. We used the mats and did jumping. There were games we played. It was fun. Adelaide 1/2S
In origami, we made a frog that could jump. The more origami I do, the more I learn to do.
Fenix 1/2S
Deborah Courtney
Director of Learning and Teaching