News from One/Two

We hope you enjoyed a lovely long weekend after a massive couple of weeks with swimming and the Shrek production!
The 1/2 children need to be commended for all of their efforts over the last few weeks and their ability to focus on in-class spelling, reading, and maths games. Well done to our great class!!
Here are some pre-performance snaps from the amazing practices that the children had during this time. The children were resilient and even though they felt nervous and sometimes scared they 'faced their fear' and got out on stage. Many of you commented on what a wonderful production it was, thank you for all your support.
As you know, putting this production together was a huge achievement. Thank you 1/2 parents for the outstanding costumes and for helping your child to keep being positive and resilient when getting on stage.
Just some other thanks to our 1/2 team. What an amazing job Mr Foley (with Mr. Bohyan) did on the lighting and sound on the night, and to Mrs. Darwall for her assistance with the seating numbers, the signing in and out of children, and cutting out the freak flags and fairy tale creatures. A very big thank you also to Mrs. Faye for her assistance in cutting the fairy tale creatures' silhouettes for the black tree that Mrs Tarco created. Also a massive shout out to Kyla Price and Elly Osmothery who assisted with painting the backdrop for the production; thank you for volunteering your time. You are all so amazing!
Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at our cultural topic; Celebrating Differences. Our students will be learning about multicultural Australia and embracing the different food, games, music, and traditions of other cultures that live within Australia.
One of the projects that we have to begin this topic is our homework task of 'Where Are My Family From' worksheet.
This worksheet was given out at the start of this term so that it could be started early if your family wanted. We are hoping that the children will be able to bring this completed worksheet into class by the end of next week (the 17th of November). Thank you for assisting your child with this informative project.
For this project, children need to cut out and glue on the world map plotting where they and their family members were born. It would also be great if families could add other family members (either drawing a picture or providing a photograph of the family members). You can use string/tape or just draw a line to plot which country your family members come from. We will be demonstrating this in class this week so that children understand how to complete the activity. If you need a new worksheet for home please let us know.
As always our door is always open, please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Jacqui and Terry
1/2 Class Teachers