Our Catholic Identity

Sockit to Poverty!

Last Friday, St Joseph’s Bulli hosted a crazy sock and soccer day to raise money for Catholic Mission. There was an immense sense of positive school spirit that filled every classroom and playground. Students learned about the work of Catholic Mission and participated in soccer activities led by our house captains. The money that we raised will contribute vital funds to projects around the world, including Timor-Leste, where a medical clinic and a children's home are providing hope for generations of young people.

Year 2 - First Penance

The St Joseph’s Parish provides programs of preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation (Penance), Eucharist (First Communion) and Confirmation each year. Enrolment for the sacraments occurs through the Parish. The school-based Religious Education curriculum supports and enriches this program of preparation. 


Enrolment forms are due back to the Parish Office before 12 November 2023.  If you were unable to collect an enrolment form, they can be collected from the Parish office or after Sunday Mass. 


We thank parents and carers for being the first educators of their children in the faith who have chosen for their children to complete these special Sacraments. Parents have a hugely important role in working with teachers to model the values based on the Gospel teachings of Jesus Christ. Parents can support their children by discussing the learning that is happening at school as well as attending weekly Masses at St Joseph’s. These occur every Sunday at 8:30 am and 5:30 pm. 


Parents are most welcome to attend the Sacrament of First Reconciliation. This will be held in the church on 16 November at 9:30 am. 

Kindergarten and Year 5 Buddy Parish Mass

On Thursday 9 November Kindergarten students attended Parish Mass with their Year 5 buddies. This was a unique opportunity for Year 5 students to model to our Kindergarten students the importance of Mass and our Catholic faith. After Mass, students were treated with some extra lunch time to catch up and play with their buddies. 

Year 3 Parish Mass

On 16 November at 11:50 am, Year 3 students are invited to attend Parish Mass. This is an important element in continuing our Parish, School and Family partnerships. Parents are most welcome to attend this Mass.

St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal 

It’s that time of the year again where we begin organising hampers of gourmet items for the St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal and Christmas Concert Raffle. Raffle tickets will be handed out to students on Monday 13 November 2023 with more information attached. Students and families are encouraged to sell as many raffle tickets as possible! 


On Friday 1 December, students are invited to wear Christmas themed mufti clothes, instead of their regular school uniform, and bring in a gourmet food item to contribute to the hampers. All money raised from the hampers goes directly to St Vincent De Paul, helping our most vulnerable community members at Christmas. Raffle winners are drawn at the Annual St Joseph’s Christmas Concert. We thank families for their ongoing support and generosity in supporting St Vincent De Paul.


The Annual St Joseph’s Christmas Concert will be held on 7 December 2023. The P&F will be holding on a free Sausage Sizzle at 5.00 pm with our Christmas Concert starting at 5.45 pm (note the change of time) . All families are invited to attend. 

St Joseph’s Bulli Mass times

We at St Joseph’s would like to extend a warm invitation to all our school families to join us for Mass on Sunday. Regularly attending Mass is a wonderful opportunity to nourish our faith and keep the flame of faith alive. It is also a great opportunity to build on the very strong family, school and Parish partnerships that we have at St Joseph’s. We look forward to seeing you at one of our Masses this weekend. 

  • Sunday: 8:30 am 
  • Sunday: 5:30 pm

Family Mass is held on the last Sunday of every month. The next family Mass will be on 26 November at 8:30am and 5:30pm. All Year 3 and Year 4 students and families are welcome to attend. If you wish to participate in this Mass by reading or offertory, please contact the office. 

Quick Quiz! 

The words of consecration, “This is my Body which will be given up for you” are said during the: 

  • A) Concluding Rite
  • B) Liturgy of the Eucharist
  • C) Liturgy of the Word 



Mr Alexander Walker 

Acting Religious Education Coordinator