Year 3/4

Year 3/4 Cluster News Term 4 Week 3



Reading: Spend 15 minutes reading. Talk with an adult about your book. What connections can you make to other books you have read? Do the characters, plot or settings trigger any memories of other books read?  


Maths: Empty a wallet, purse or money box; can you add up how much money you have in total? What could you afford to buy with this amount of money?   


Home Inquiry: Research local organisations in your area- where is your nearest sports club, salvation army, park and more. Who keeps these organisations functioning? Identify the purpose of these organisations – why have they been created? 

Learning this week


Jolly Spelling: On hold due to PAT (Progressive Achievement Testing) which will occur throughout Week 4.


Jolly Grammar: On hold due to PAT (Progressive Achievement Testing) which will occur throughout Week 4. 


Writer’s Workshop: Students will finish working on their revising, proof reading and editing skills. They will use what they learn to also make improvements to the quality of their writing. Students will be creating and publishing a help sheet to keep for future years with their own helpful hints for editing and revising.

Reader’s Workshop: Students will continue to participate in “Book club” where they can share and talk about what they are reading with their peers. What sorts of things would you share or talk about? What might make others want to read your book? 


This week we will begin looking at Money in Mathematics. Exploring how money calculations are made and increasing our understandings of cents and dollars. 

Unit of Inquiry:

This week will be starting our last unit of inquiry ‘How We Organise Ourselves’ with a focus on Organisations. We will continue with provocations to help us to tune in as we begin this UOI

Christian Studies: 

This term Christian Studies will link in with our “How we Organise Ourselves” - the role of (Christian) organisations in the community. Students will describe the connections between what Christians believe and the decisions they make. 


This term in Health, students will focus on protective behaviours to support their understanding of safe and healthy relationships, responding to different scenarios, valuing and respecting their bodies, developing personal boundaries, understanding safety and privacy

Announcements / Diary Dates:

Swimming Week - Monday 6th November – Thursday 9th November. Please return the consent forms for this as soon as possible, which assists instructors in grouping students prior to the sessions. The bus will depart at 12.35pm and will return to school by approximately 2.30pm. Students will wear sports uniform for the swimming days. We suggest that they wear their bathers under their sports uniform, perhaps just putting their rashie on at the pool. Students will change back at school. Please provide two towels – one for use at the pool and one to protect the bus seats as they return wet to school. All students compulsorily require a rashie or bathers that cover their shoulders. 


3/4S will lead chapel in week 4 (Friday November 10th)


Apps to install: Please install the app HeyJapan onto your child’s iPad, it will be used in Japanese for the remainder of the term. 


Carols Concert – Friday 1st December (Week 7) – Our annual Carols evening is Friday Week 7. This year the students will perform a song in clusters, with a play of the nativity to also be presented. More details to come closer to the date. 


Year 3/4 End of Year Excursion – Bowling & GoldenFields- Monday 4th December (Week 8):  At the end of Week 3 a consent form and letter will be sent home informing you of our end of year excursion. Please return by the end of Week 6 (Friday 24th November). If your child has any dietary requirements, please inform your classroom teacher as we are looking at providing a pizza lunch.


Yours in Christ,  

Jacquie Paech, James Salisbury, Brodie Trezona and Lauren Neumann