Around the School

Assembly Award Winners

Assembly Roster - Term 4

Week 4 - 3/4T

Week 5 - 1/2Z & 5/6G

Week 6 - Foundation & 3/4PA

Week 7 - Instrumental students & specialists

Week 8 - Premiers Reading Challenge

Week 9 - No assembly

Term 4 Uniform

With the start of term 4 brings a change to uniform and the summer uniform is now to be worn. This also means hats must be worn for outdoor play. We have a no hat no play policy. 


The uniform shop is available before and after school each day. If unattended, please ask for assistance at the office.


2024 Planning

To assist with our planning processes for 2024 it is important for us to have an accurate indication of the status of enrolment of students. 

We ask that families who would like to enrol siblings for 2024 please contact us in the next few weeks as some year groups are quite close to capacity. 

We also understand that some families may be uncertain at this time on the status of enrolment for 2024, considering a range of family and employment circumstances. 

This is completely understood, and we simply ask for families to be as open with us as possible so that we can plan the very best for the children in our care. 

Please contact Kylie Chinca, our Enrolments Officer - if you are intending to move for 2024 or are unsure at this stage. Mr Wallace is always available for a chat about your individual circumstances as well. 

A reminder that we do ask that families provide a term's notice of changes through having advised us by the end of term 3. 

2024 LLL School Bursary Application Pack

Please see attachment for information and application form

December / January VAC Care Bookings

Online bookings for December / January vacation care close on Tuesday 20 November. Please make sure bookings are made as soon as possible to help with rostering.