1/2 T

Education in Faith
During this term, we have been talking lots about how we can follow in the footsteps of Jesus, by showing kindness and compassion to others.
We have listened to some stories from the bible as well as watching a special video called Kindness Boomerang, showing a whole range of kind acts that people can do for others
(click here to see the video).
Next, we thought about some of the acts of kindness
we can realistically do for others as Grade 1 and 2 students.
We worked in small groups to plan, practise and then present role plays of these acts of kindness, while our audience members demonstrated whole body listening, and tried to guess what it was we were acting out.
I wonder how many of our students have been sharing their acts of kindness
with their families at home?
Respectful Relationships
This term our Respectful Relationships topic is Positive Coping.
During these lessons we will;
- reflect on our emotional responses,
- discuss ways we take responsibility for our actions,
- describe ways to express our emotions while showing awareness of the feelings and needs of others, and
- practise techniques to deal with feelings such as fear, frustration and anger.
This week we have discussed facing fears. We identified lots of situations that can cause fear, and realised that what causes fear for one person is not always the same for someone else.
We talked about coping strategies that we can use, and chose a few that we thought would be particularly helpful when we are feeling scared about something.
Upcoming Excursion
On Friday November 17th, both Grade 1/2 classes
will be going on an excursion to Como House in South Yarra.
If you have not yet filled in the permission form on Operoo,
please look out for it on your device.
We would really love all students to come along,
so please make sure everyone is at school on time, as the bus is due to leave at 8.45am.